I'm going to sound like Der Ubernerd when I say this, but Capcom made Resident Evil, not Rockstar. Rockstar, however, DID make Manhunt, which is probably the epitome of the shock value video game. My initial reaction playing it was "Fucking Christ, I just stabbed that guy in the neck with a shard of glass and now I'm bashing his skull in with a baseball bat". It's fucking sick. But, like all things that rely on shock value, once I got used to seeing people decapitated with machetes or gored with screwdrivers, the game was actually very boring. I'll give your songs a listen and I won't jump to any conclusions, but my first impression is that they're probably the same.
rockstar made the movie resident evil, not the game. but i guess you might be right with the shock value- although now a-days, thats the only thing i really even notice in media anymore
Pushing the envelope is good and all, but when you sacrifice making decent music for it, it just seems retarded to me. Listening to Hed P.E. didn't make me think, "Wow, these guys are really doing something out there and people will freak!" It was more like, "Wow, these shitheads have no talent and it's a damn shame that they make money doing this." And I feel almost the exact opposite way about how people censor culture. I think you can say and do anything you please while making a movie or game, although they do get the ratings they deserve, but on cable T.V. there are some pretty vile things that will get on. They will let you say "ass" but not "hole" in the word asshole. They'll let you say "damn it" but not "god" in god damnit. I don't know why. They'll show people getting shot in the face with a sniper rifle and they'll show some ass too. Censorship is just a weird thing.
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"theres no sex and violence"
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