today i was curious about what a group of raccoons is called; it lead me to this list, which i have pared down to the ones i found amusing (some had other options as well, but they were less entertaining).
alligators: congregation
bears: sloth, sleuth
buffalo: obstinancy
butterflies: flutter
buzzards: wake
cats: clowder, cluster, glaring, pounce
caterpillars: army
cockroaches: intrusion
cormorants: gulp
cows: kine
crows: murder
doves: pitying
ducks: paddling
elephants: memory
emus: mob
ferrets: business
finches: charm
flamingos: flamboyance
flies: business
frogs: army
giraffes: tower
goldfish: troubling
hawks: kettle
hippos: bloat
hyenas: cackle
jellyfish: smack
larks: exaltation
leopards: leap
lizards: lounge
monkeys: barrel
otters: romp
owls: parliament
parrots: pandemonium
pheasants: bouquet
porcupines: prickle
rattlesnakes: rhumba
ravens: unkindness
rhinoceroses: crash
seabirds: wreck
spiders: clutter
starlings: chattering, murmuration
storks: mustering
tigers: ambush, streak
trout: hover
turkeys: rafter
wombats: wisdom
woodpeckers: descent
zebras: zeal
this is what you do when you work in an office!