BACK LOG: My Easter in Bumblefuckity fuck :D

May 06, 2007 16:49

In essence this is a photoblog, because I am just not in the mood AT ALL to write down all the weird crazy things I saw in Bumblefuck. harhar. It wasnt that bad really. Something different I guess.

Here we go. My Easter at Lightning Ridge, NSW.

Sunrise in NSW
Some snapshots as the sun was rising on our way there. We started our trip at about 9pm and drove through the night, with one or two brief stops at gas stations. We arrived at about 11 in the morning.

The Dunny
A quick stop at a Rest site to stretch our legs, and we found this toilet. Quite genius really.

The Great Goat Race
Random snapshots of the Goat Race. All in good fun really. We were told the winner gets eaten. Very yummy.

Emus on a plane
Resident Artist John Murray's work can be found all over Lightning Ridge. He has some gorgeous artwork.
Daniel and I bought a few signed prints of his from his gallery. He really does capture the beauty of the Australia in such stunning form.

Uncle Mirco
Is actually Daniel's grandma's brother. Great guy. Extremely funny. And has a dog called Barney. A few shots of him and the dogs in the car, and his crazy driving around the bush.

Opal Mining
Yes, we look like total tourist idiots. Uncle Mirco's claim. More pictures down there on how its all done.

To the campsite & Around the campsite
While there is a town, town, with cemented streets and whatnot (Even a tabacconist that has an adjoining fish n chip shop: RUN BY FILIPINOS!!! I got some Chippy and Boy Bawang and Calimansi juice all the way out there!!), a good part of the town are in mining areas in campsites usually where claims are. Uncle Mirco literally lives out in the bush, but there is a picture there of Daniel infront of the camp that his grandfather built himself.

House made of bottles

The drive home

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