My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulnumbthemadness goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as wolfman.
billthedemonlol tricks you! You get a dead frog.
crazybusiness tricks you! You get an eraser.
east_side_beat gives you 18 teal cola-flavoured hard candies.
freckles88 tricks you! You lose 13 pieces of candy!
ihititlikethis gives you 11 dark blue tropical-flavoured pieces of taffy.
jenefef tricks you! You lose 14 pieces of candy!
lecnac tricks you! You get a used tissue.
leeanneeee gives you 10 mauve licorice-flavoured gumdrops.
vanaaron tricks you! You get a piece of paper.
xstar gives you 14 dark blue chocolate-flavoured jelly beans.numbthemadness ends up with 26 pieces of candy, a dead frog, an eraser, a used tissue, and a piece of paper.Another fun meme brought to you by