Title: Poptarts [1/1]
Pairing: Junseung
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Hyunseung goes to the corner store for some Milk and Orange Juice but leaves with love.
Notes: Something cute to rival the tradgedy.
They meet in the corner store. Aisle 7. Cereal.
Hyunseung is just reaching for the last box of chocolate pop tarts when slender fingers brush his and he recoils in shock. Chocolate eyes blink at him sleepily through thickly framed glasses and he swallows the butterflies that tickle his throat. Not now. The other’s eyes drift to his basket and he gets this odd feeling that his privacy is being invaded as the other takes stock of the contents. Milk. Orange Juice. Fried Chicken. Rice. He glances to the other’s basket and see’s nothing but coca-cola. ‘You take them’ Says the other, slipping the box on top of the carton of orange juice. Hyunseung shivers at the smooth velvet lilt of his voice. He reaches for the strawberry instead. ‘Do you want some?’ His cheeks burn. ‘Pop tarts?’ Goosebumps tingle his spine and Hyunseung nods.
‘I don’t really like pop tarts’ The other says, lips twitching in the corners. Hyunseung’s stomach sinks and maybe his hopes too. ‘But I’d like some chicken’