Title: Missed a spot
Pairing: BangHim (Bang Yong Guk/Kim Him Chan)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some minor language
Summary: Yongguk is convinced the make-up noona missed a spot on Himchan's face but the ulzzang can't see it
Himchan smiles thankfully as the make-up noona declares him finished and moves on to Zelo. He can already hear her clucking about teenage boys and oily skin. He notices a lock of hair that won’t quite sit in place and reaches for a grip of some kind to pin it back. He’s just about to spray it into place when the heavy weight of someone’s head (clearly Yongguk’s head because he has the biggest head of all of them, and not just in terms of size) falls onto his shoulder. ‘Kim Himchan’ He watches Yongguk’s lips form his name in the mirror. ‘They missed a spot’
Himchan’s lips part, eyes widening and he dislodges Yongguk as he leans forwards. He inspects every inch of his perfectly made-up face and finds nothing wrong. The pimple on his cheekbone is covered and his eyes are lined with just enough kohl to make them stand out and pop.
‘Yah, Guk-ah! Where?’ Himchan watches as Yongguk glances around, his small eyes darting between the members and staff in the dressing room. He settles a smile at Himchan in the mirror as he turns back and points at a spot just an inch from Himchan’s lips. ‘It’s right…’ He leans closer, voice low in Himchan’s ear. The ulzzang feels his cheeks flush and his heart beats a little faster. Yongguk’s finger pokes his cheek. ‘Here’ The rapper’s own thick lips cover the spot his finger had just been and Yongguk pulls back with a shit-eating grin.
Himchan glances around to see that only Daehyun witnessed their small display. For a moment his chest feels tight and his throat feels dry. His stomach churns and Daehyun’s nose wrinkles above his mask. ‘Damn, they make me feel sick’ grunts the lead vocalist. Suddenly Jongup is on his feet, eyes wide. ‘Hyung! You feel sick?! I’ll get you some water’ The dancer is already out the door when Youngjae passes a bottle of water from the table beside him. Zelo just snorts and goes back to his PSP game. ‘Idiot’
When Himchan turns back to the mirror Yongguk is pulling away. The rapper straightens up, eyes fixed on Himchan. He casually pushes the pin a little higher, fingers grazing Himchan’s temple. ‘I better go get that kid. We’re on in twenty’ Yongguk winks and then is gone though the rosey flush his lips left on Himchan’s cheek stays with him all day.