Title: Catching snowflakes [1/1]
Pairing: BangHim (Bang Yong Guk/Kim Him Chan)
Rating: G
Summary: Himchan just isn't in the mood for another one of Yonghwa's parties
He’s at another one of Yonghwa’s parties - the ones where someone loses their pants and wakes up in another city (Himchan woke up wearing a wig in Ulsan once). Jaehyo is in a corner trying to hook up two of his friends, Yonghwa is trying to impress some cute girl with his guitar and Jonghyun… well he doesn’t really know where Jonghyun went. He vaguely remembers him murmuring something about giants and unicorns.
With the party in full swing, Himchan ignores the sting of the winter air on his skin and makes his way up the fire escape to the rooftop. The neon lights of the city are breath taking from up there and if he squints he can just make out the stars above. He’s not really in the mood for a party - not since he saw the girl in the blue mini-dress latching to Yongguk. It wasn’t like he had any claim on Yongguk, they weren’t even friends. He was a friend of a friend of a friend who just happened to turn up at these parties every once in a while. But some time during the fourth party - when Yongguk had looked around, locked eyes on Himchan and lit the room up with his smile... well... Himchan wanted to have a claim on Yongguk.
Several muted songs later, Himchan feels something cold on the tip of his nose. He blinks and tries to focus but then something cold touches his cheek - his chin - his arm. Snow begins to fall around him, at first it’s slow and he sticks his tongue out to catch stray snowflakes. He catches a snippet of the song playing downstairs and begins to hum an aimless tune to drown out the faint drone of annoying bass. He’s too focused on catching snowflakes to hear the heavy footsteps that rattle the fire escape.
‘Yah, Kim Himchan. Do you know how cold it is out here?’ He jumps, startled. He’s not sure if it’s the warm body that presses against his back, the low gravelly tone of Yongguk’s voice in his ear or the smell that seems to curl around him that’s a mix of beer, sweat and Bang Yongguk. Yongguk unzips his jacket and presses himself fully to Himchan’s back, trying to wrap his jacket around them both. He lets out a strangled moan as his warm chest comes into contact with Himchan’s back. ‘You’re like ice’ He complains.
‘You ok?’ Yongguk’s hot breath puffs out against the nape of Himchan’s neck, lips so close that with every other word or so they brush Himchan’s cool skin. It means nothing, Himchan. He’s just cold. The slightly elder male wraps his arms further around Himchan, fingers clutching tightly to Himchan’s hip and elbow. ‘I just wanted some fresh air’ Says Himchan, eyes focused on a blinking pharmacist sign in the distance, he hadn’t really noticed how cold it was until now. He’s freezing in all the places he’s not pressed to Yongguk.
‘Jonghyun-ssi came back a few minutes ago. I’m not sure where he found the Hula skirt but he was running around with a traffic cone on his head shouting “I’m a unicorn, hear me roar”. That red-head kid Jaehyo was trying to set up nearly puked on him’ Himchan laughs as Yongguk presses his cold nose to the crook of his neck. His breath against Himchan’s spine makes the pretty ulzzang shiver. ‘Did he manage to hook up Yookwon and Minhyuk yet?’ Yongguk hums, not sure who Himchan means. ‘The red head and the dancer’ He clarifies and Yongguk accidentally bumps their heads as he nods. ‘Yeah - they were making out when I came up here’ Something in the air shifts and suddenly the atmosphere between them feels tense. Himchan stiffens and Yongguk hugs him tighter in response.
‘Yongguk-ah, what’ He pauses to wet his lip. ‘What are you doing up here with me in the cold when you could be down there with her?’ The pharmacy sign in the distance blinks once, twice and dies out for several moments and gives another dull flicker. In those few seconds the elder presses his lips to Himchan’s jaw , cold nose brushing an equally cold ear. ‘Because I like the snow’ Yongguk trails off to press a kiss further along Himchan’s jawline, a few inches from his lips. He slips a hand from under his jacket and presses mildly warm fingers to a frozen cheek. Himchan can barely breathe. ‘Because I like…’ Yongguk touches their lips together a little uncertainly. Himchan swallows a lump in his throat and briefly presses his lips back against the other’s. Yongguk smiles. Kisses him again. ‘You. I like you’ Another kiss. ‘And that girl - the one in the blue dress’ Himchan nods. ‘I don’t want to make out with her. She’s my cousin’ They burst into simultaneous laughter, Yongguk clinging to Himchan’s shaking torso.
‘So…’ Himchan starts after a few more kisses. ‘You want to make out with me?’ There’s a sparkle in his eye that wasn’t there when Yongguk had first arrived at the party and the elder lets out a soft chuckle, twisting the slender man until they’re pressed chest to chest. ‘I do, but not out here’