Title: Catching Stars
Pairing: Junbros
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Summary: A short little something after listening to 'the moon song' by Karen O and Ezra Koenig
I'm lying on the moon,
Dear, I'll be there soon.
It's a quiet, starry place
Junho settles back onto the cool white sands of La Luna, feeling the grains crunch between his bare toes. Above him, the night sky is dotted with glittering stars, all flickering and flaming like tiny fireflies. He reaches out a hand, closes a fist around one of the tiny dots and pulls back, empty handed. He’ll probably go hunting for fallen stars later.
He flops back, head pillowed by his wrists. A shooting star races above him leaving a quickly fading trail behind it. The Earth is a far more impressive sight, a dark orb with a golden halo cast by the sun. It’s one of the many benefits of living up on the Moon in the Pearl colony. A soft bell chimes in the background signalling the beginning of a new hour.
He’s almost asleep when he hears it, the soft whooshing of paddles through the air. A golden anchor falls to land a few yards away and he watches the turquoise boat that hovers above. The hull of the vessel is decorated with a familiar pattern of gold swirls, and the corners of Junho’s lips curl up.
It takes a few minutes for the boat to get closer, a few more for it to land and it wobbles for a few moments before settling and there is Junsu, tumbling over the side to land on his rump. Junho laughs, rolling across the sand and soon he connects with the elder’s foot. Junsu pulls him up, warm hands grasping at his torso and even warmer lips pressing against his own, his cheek, his nose.
Junho wipes a stray patch of sand from the other’s face, thumb tracing his cheek bone and Junsu presses a soft kiss to his wrist before pulling away. He reaches back into the boat, hand scrabbling for something beneath the seat and when he finds it his face lights up.
‘Close your eyes’
And Junho does.
He’d do anything Junsu asked of him. When he’s finally allowed to open his eyes again he’s greeted by the heavy weight of a star in his upturned hands. It’s shiny like a diamond and rust in colour. There’s a soft glow to the entity and it leaves glitter on every inch of skin it comes into contact with.
‘It fell into my boat on the way here’ Says Junsu, fingers combing through Junho’s thick ebony curls. The boy looks up, smile wider than the galaxy and brighter than even the sun. ‘ I’d catch them all for you, if I could’