Title: Too young
Pairing: Banghim
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Notes: Unbeta'd
Himchan doesn’t get long to savour the feeling of being outside before Yongguk wraps his stubby little fingers around his wrist and drags him towards the small brick wall that separates the tarmac and grass playing field. Their teacher shouts from behind them, warns Yongguk not to pull so hard because little Himchan is delicate and he might trip up. Himchan doesn’t much mind. Yongguk is his best friend so he must have something important to tell him.
“Himchanie” Yongguk starts, guiding Himchan to sit on the wall. “I have something important to tell you” He balls his hands against his hips, shoulders squared and cheeks puffed out as though trying to look older than his 9 years (and 13 days). He stands so close that their toes almost touch and Himchan can see the determination in his eyes.
“As you know, I have just turned nine” He says, as though being nine suddenly means he holds all the knowledge in the world. As though he knows why the sky is blue and the grass is green. Himchan feels his ears redden. He’s well aware of Yongguk’s age, he was at his birthday party just two weeks ago and Yongguk’s mother already confirmed that Yongguk and his siblings would be coming to Himchan’s party on Saturday. “Now, I know you’re still eight, so you’re too young to understand this…”
I’m only just younger than you!!
“But… Well - I’m in love with you”
Himchan’s jaw slackens and for a minute he feels like someone strapped him to a rocket and sent him to the moon. Yongguk loves him. His mother says that love is very special and it means you like someone a whole lot. That people kiss and hug each other because they love them and sometime, they even get married and have babies. Himchan studies Yongguk for a moment. They see each other almost every day and they always have fun together. They like the same music and the same food - although Himchan prefers Eeyore to Tiggr. Yongguk can be a little messy but he always helps Himchan clean up and if he didn’t have Yongguk to play with, he’d be really sad. They’d already promised to be best friends for the rest of their lives.
Maybe he does love Yongguk too.
Yongguk bristles at his sudden silence. “See, I told you you’re too young to understand. You’re only eight, what would you know about love?” He steps back to turn away and Himchan quickly scrambles up from the wall. He doesn’t know why but he can’t let Yongguk leave. He kicks at the older boy’s shoe, takes in the scuffs.
“I’m not too young” Himchan pouts. Before Yongguk has a chance to argue anymore he reaches out and takes one of his hands in his own, glancing up at the older boy through his lashes. This look always gets him extra sweets and cookies from his aunties.
Yongguk squeezes his hand, palm sweaty against Himchan’s. “Fine. It’s decided” He states, dragging Himchan towards the hop-scotch corner. “You’re my boyfriend”