The Jeremy Brett Memorial Walk -- Donation Possibilities

Jun 27, 2009 21:55

Dear all!

Let me thank you very much for all your positive comments and messages you have sent me regarding the upcoming Memorial Walk for our dear man and the charities it is intended for.

I can hardly tell you what that means to us, as we are only some private persons, having started with not much more than a dream...

Meanwhile, I have received several messages stating the intention to support the project with donations. In order to facilitate that I have furnished a button for donating via Paypal - you can just click the icon in order to arrange for donation (further infos pls. see

Please be assured that we will transfer the money to the intended charitable use!

However, if you intend to facilitate the walk as such, meaning helping to cover the expenses like accomodation etc., this will of course be greatly appreciated as well. In order to avoid confusions, I have created another paypal-button for this, and I would also like to ask you in such a case to confirm via separate message, that you indeed mean to support the EXPENSES!

This way can also be used in order to purchase the CD "Together" (which provides the soundtrack for our promotional video) for an amount of your own choice plus shipping costs. The money we get for that CD will be directly used to cover the travel cost and therefore make the project possible. If you intend to purchase this CD, please make sure to notify me/us via SEPARATE message.

Donation for expenses

If you, however, prefer to use the more conservative way, please let me know and I will send you details for a German bank account.

Once again, thank you all for your good will, encouragement, donations, and even will to participate.

Best wishes,
Nunewesen (Susanne Schönfeld-Wagner)

P.S: You can find the history of this project and further infos here:


(edited 29.06.2009)
(edited 07.07.2009)

jeremy brett, charity

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