sorry to hear that your trip is stressful so far! but that's not so surprising - you're in a brand new unfamiliar place, and you've got to try to speak another language to get's an adventure. we're in different places and situations, obviously, but i remember when i first got here, especially because of the language barrier, my reflex was "oh god, six months of this is AGES." but, hang in there, practice your french - it can only get easier! i'm sure you've got all kinds of good things coming your way. best of luck.
hang in there! overcomming these things makes one stronger
although I have a funny memory of going to a McDonalds in France and ordering "uhh... nougats poulet sil vous plait" and the lady replying "so, chicken nuggets then?" although it's even worse that I didn't finish the nuggets, and being the thrifty traveller I am, I carried the leftovers with me for 2 days.
Comments 5
*Je m'excuse, mais je parle juste un 'tit peux de français, mais pouvais vous m'aider" should be a line your bring out.
Keep in mind the french tasty bread and history
and if you decide to head back, I'm down with that too, but I'm trying to play enforcer Iain role.
sorry to hear that your trip is stressful so far! but that's not so surprising - you're in a brand new unfamiliar place, and you've got to try to speak another language to get's an adventure. we're in different places and situations, obviously, but i remember when i first got here, especially because of the language barrier, my reflex was "oh god, six months of this is AGES." but, hang in there, practice your french - it can only get easier! i'm sure you've got all kinds of good things coming your way. best of luck.
I think it is wonderful that you are in Paris. Be strong. You will learn as you go. It's hard at the start, but you are doing so well.
Best wishes, friend.
although I have a funny memory of going to a McDonalds in France and ordering "uhh... nougats poulet sil vous plait" and the lady replying "so, chicken nuggets then?" although it's even worse that I didn't finish the nuggets, and being the thrifty traveller I am, I carried the leftovers with me for 2 days.
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