just thinking to update sumthing bef0re i'll be m0re bz with mid term exams next week
i'm really cant wait for mid term break..miss my h0me so much!
but before holiday comes,4 mid term papers waiting for me..orz...
un gambaremasu!
btw,i've finished watching my fav eps of Hadaka no Shounen for the nth times..huah33..
of course i love the other eps too but this is my fav one bec0z theyre s0 kawaii here!
its eps of Boiling & Icy Bath Battle..huah3..its a battle between kame,kazama,koki,jimmy,maru n taguchi..
so,kame,kazama n koki in one group n the other 3 in one group..
so,the 3 members in each time have to try to measure 2 minutes total in baths..
The team whose total is closest to 2 minutes will win..
they hve to challenge 48 degrees hot bath 1st then freezing 6 degrees cold bath..
ch0tt0 matte,kame!what are u d0ing!!haahaha!~~
kame in hot n cold bath..kawaiii~~
kazama n jimmy..^^v
lastly this truly scaredy cat Koki..huah2..
im so surprised that actually in their chibi time,Koki is more coward than Nakamaru..huah3..
maru in hot n cold bath..his expressi0n is too funny as always!
lol..such a calm expressi0n..=p
n taguchi kun..the one 24 hour with smiling face..haha..he's even smiling in this hot n cold bath..lol..
kawaii desh0u!
i really cant get enough of them..really..kyaa~~
ah!one m0re thing,wanna say thanx a l0t again & terima kasih to my dear
kamakazuya ![](http://pics.livejournal.com/nur_chan89/pic/00020w1s)
for all the luvely gifts!i've already p0st the entry about it on my bl0g though..hehe..
so,terima kasih
kamakazuya @ pikka chan!!^^v
it arrived Malaysia safely..huah3!
lastly,although i've already mentioned at my blog,just wanna also post it here that
i've just realized that i'm so addicted to skull things nowadays..
this is all ur fault my dear kazuya..huah3
so,this is my new skull thing...
apparently,skull comes in many shapes n design and some of them are amazing n cute!!h0ho~
thats all for n0w..
Jin,youre s0 adorable lately hehe..n my beloved KAT TUN, ganbatte!miss u guys so much!
cant wait for the Music Stati0n!weee~
thats all for now..
wish me luck f0r upcoming mid term exams!hueh3!