Yeah yeah, of course I epically failed to do this meme properly. BUT whatever. I'll just do a drive-by, gut!reaction answer session this time around, instead of endlessly debating in my head like I did for the FIRST FRIGGIN THREE.
So here we go:
Day 04 - Your favorite show ever
I'm just gonna go with Buffy, because that truly introduced me to internet fandom, and even now, 12-13 years after watching the first episode, I'll still randomly read fanfiction and reminisce about how AWESOME 70% of the show was. :D
Day 05 - A show you hate
I don't think I've ever actively hated a show from the get-go. It usually takes me 2-3 seasons HAHA. But I will totally admit that any reality shows produced by MTV and VH1 will annoy the living crap outta me.
Day 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite TV show
AAAHH IT'S LIKE CHOOSING A FAVORITE CHILD. As a gut reaction, I'll go with Buffy's season 2 finale: Becoming Pt 2. Because that was the first time that I really cried for a TV show. (Sailor Moon only made me wail in agony.)
Day 07 - Least favorite episode of your favorite TV show
Hmm...there were quite a few that I didn't like...But I guess the one I really hated was when Spike tried to force himself on Buffy. That was just a, "Thanks, Joss, for officially killing any love I had for these characters" moment.
Day 08 - A show everyone should watch
MERLIN MERLIN MERLIN!!!! It has the most blatant homoerotic tension I've ever seen for a children's show. :P Plus everyone's just really pretty.
Day 09 - Best scene ever
AAHHH I CAN'T PICK ONE SCENE. Should I go funny or dramatic or YAY!KISSAGE or what??!
I guess I'll pick one that I have on my youtube favs that I rewatch every so often. And by every so often, I mean a LOT. It feeds my inner geek SOOOO MUCH.
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Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
I'll have to go with Grey's Anatomy. Back when I was a giant House fanatic, I would always say I loved it because it was anti-Grey's, and focused on interesting patients' cases and just slowly gave us a peek into the doctors' personal lives, which I totally appreciated.
MAN did those shows do a vice-versa in my head. Now House is a goddamn soap opera. Grey's at least fully owns up to it. PLUS it has the amazingness that is Sandra Oh. Ahhh my TV doppelganger.
Day 11 - A show that disappointed you
Haha, I think that should be pretty obvious, yes? Lord knows I've ranted enough about how House has gone down the tubes, so I won't repeat myself. ;P
Day 12 - An episode you've watched more than 5 times
Hmm...I guess I'll have to go with Doctor Who's Journey's End. Not because I'm masochistic and enjoy having my heart break into a million pieces, but because I was trying to write a fic post-ep (which...actually never got finished; my heart being completely shattered might've played a role in that, LOLZ). It was research, I tell you! :P
Day 13 - Favorite childhood show
I'll go with The Simpsons. I'm pretty sure I've somehow been watching it since it started. There's a family video floating around somewhere with me being 2 or 3 years old and watching it with my dad on a Sunday night.
Day 14 - Favorite male character
Aww hell. Umm...I'll say the Doctor. Nine or Ten, I adored them both, even for all the flaws in his character and the inconsistent writing of his personality.
Day 15 - Favorite female character
It might be a tie between Willow Rosenberg and Cristina Yang. For all that they're total opposites, they're TOTALLY ME. I guess that makes me a little whacked out, but whatever.
Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show
Does this mean a show that I wouldn't normally admit to my friends/family? 'Cause that doesn't exist, LOL. I'm usually quite willing to talk about shows I watch, no matter how terrible.
Umm...I guess any of the "I Love The..." VH1 specials could count, because no matter how busy I am, I always somehow manage to watch the entire marathon EVERY TIME IT COMES ON.
Day 17 - Favorite mini series
Hmm...Mists of Avalon. It got me obsessed with Arthurian legend, got me to reread that book over and over and over...and I still love it despite the terribly cheesy vibe I now get from rewatching it.
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
Aww hell. I will admit that I love this because I LOVE MASSIVE ATTACK.
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Day 19 - Best TV show cast
Let's add another show I haven't mentioned yet: Scrubs. The chemistry of the entire cast was just beyond amazing, and it's one of the few shows where I've NEVER been annoyed by a main character.
Day 20 - Favorite kiss
...Huh. Weeeeell...Huh. I guess the first one that comes to mind is:
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This...might possibly be because it's ridiculously easy to insert myself in Cristina's place. :P Helloooooooooooo, Doctor Hunt!
...Wow, I think I spent less time doing all of this than my last entry. O.O This gut!reaction thing is pretty convenient! Now I can sleep, HAHA.