Knuckles slicked water from his hair before entering the office. It was starting to rain and he'd been out looking for the scrubs for the last few hours. He was cold... even moreso being as he'd decided to use the techniques he'd learnt for becoming a human and apparently human tolerance for cold was even less than his usual.
What brought him to the nurses office however was the stitches he'd given himself had managed to pop with his sudden increase in size. He cursed himself for being so stupid as to forget... but he had a lot on his mind. The nursae could probably do better anyway. The simple white T'shirt he was wearing had a big red stain down the front, made worse by the fact the shirt was sopping and clinging to him tightly.
"Uhm.. Hi.. If you have time...?" he said, looking around. It didn't seem like she had any patients at the moment?
"hm?" She looked up from her desk, eyes widening immediately at the sight before her. "Oh, you poor thing!" Catherine all but jumped up from her desk, and crossed the room to him in a few easy steps, before setting a hand on his shoulder, leading him into the room. "Here, take a seat, ad let me get a look... what happened?"
"Nothing overly much. I was stupid and forgot to remove the stitching I'd done on my chest before I became a human a little earlier. The cut itself is mostly healed... rainwater makes it look worse'n it really is, Ma'am."
He sat down and waited a few seconds before realising he'd actually have to remove his shirt. Which he did, a flush rising in his cheeks despite the chill. "Just need a bit of a patch up job before I get back out there is all, and I figured you'd do a nicer n quicker job than I can."
She sighed, relieved, and shot him a small smile. "I'm glad that's all it is, dear." With that, Catherine knelt down to take a look at the wound, frowned slightly, and stood to get a cloth to wash the blood from his chest. "Looks like that'd mostly healed... Need to be more careful next time, Knuckles, sweetheart. But you're right, it's not major." Another quick smile in his direction, and she went back to patching up the wound.
((uh uh uh BACKDATE THIS TO THE DAY AFTER THE DONUTAPOCALYPSE. 8V what is 'late to the party'))
It was a long day already. Kyle had only been working for a few hours, and the number of students missing things was climbing by the minute, it looked like. He'd probably be working overtime tonight to at least find some kind of a lead.
When he went back to his room around noon he slipped on a stray donut (it must have run out of, uh... batteries, or something), fell, and hit his head off the floor. He probably should've taken the day off to finish cleaning the place up, but today was one of those days where he actually had work to do. ...And he was out of aspirin.
Well, someone was awfully festive. Kyle knocked before he let himself in, "Hey. Got any aspirin?"
Catherine looked up to him, nodded, and stood from her desk. "Of course, of course. You can take a seat if you'd like, and I'll just grab that for you..." She made her way to the cabinets, and returned after a few moments with a glass of water in one hand and a pill in the other. "here."
Comments 6
What brought him to the nurses office however was the stitches he'd given himself had managed to pop with his sudden increase in size. He cursed himself for being so stupid as to forget... but he had a lot on his mind. The nursae could probably do better anyway. The simple white T'shirt he was wearing had a big red stain down the front, made worse by the fact the shirt was sopping and clinging to him tightly.
"Uhm.. Hi.. If you have time...?" he said, looking around. It didn't seem like she had any patients at the moment?
"Oh, you poor thing!" Catherine all but jumped up from her desk, and crossed the room to him in a few easy steps, before setting a hand on his shoulder, leading him into the room.
"Here, take a seat, ad let me get a look... what happened?"
He sat down and waited a few seconds before realising he'd actually have to remove his shirt. Which he did, a flush rising in his cheeks despite the chill. "Just need a bit of a patch up job before I get back out there is all, and I figured you'd do a nicer n quicker job than I can."
"I'm glad that's all it is, dear." With that, Catherine knelt down to take a look at the wound, frowned slightly, and stood to get a cloth to wash the blood from his chest.
"Looks like that'd mostly healed... Need to be more careful next time, Knuckles, sweetheart. But you're right, it's not major."
Another quick smile in his direction, and she went back to patching up the wound.
It was a long day already. Kyle had only been working for a few hours, and the number of students missing things was climbing by the minute, it looked like. He'd probably be working overtime tonight to at least find some kind of a lead.
When he went back to his room around noon he slipped on a stray donut (it must have run out of, uh... batteries, or something), fell, and hit his head off the floor. He probably should've taken the day off to finish cleaning the place up, but today was one of those days where he actually had work to do. ...And he was out of aspirin.
Well, someone was awfully festive. Kyle knocked before he let himself in, "Hey. Got any aspirin?"
"Of course, of course. You can take a seat if you'd like, and I'll just grab that for you..." She made her way to the cabinets, and returned after a few moments with a glass of water in one hand and a pill in the other.
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