
May 21, 2010 11:52

OK, I'm on a rant. I heard Robert Redford talking on Keith Olberman about how we need a sustainable energy policy, and that's all well and good, but a little nonspecific. I'm sick of the "Something ought to be done" way of advocating for solutions: of course something ought to be done. PICK A PLAN AND ADVOCATE FOR IT! Here's mine:
Of course I'm a bike nut and think that everyone should be encouraged to ride a bike, but I'm a realist as well. We are so stuck in car culture that changes to bike culture will have to be incremental. People won't get out of their cars. Do those cars have to be powered by oil? No.

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. You produce hydrogen by running an electric current through water. The byproduct is oxygen. The byproduct of using hydrogen in a fuel cell vehicle is water. The cycle is H2O to H + O to H2O. It's beautiful and non- polluting.

Wait - there's something wrong here - the H+O don't get used up, but just change form. Is this free energy? Of course not. Our universe bombards us with energy all the time in the form of solar and wind energy, we just need a way to put it in a bottle. Hydrogen is our bottle.

PROPOSITION # 1: Tax incentives for companies who start hydrogen production plants powered by sustainable energy.

In a sane world our coasts would be dotted with solar and wind power stations using the electricity to turn seawater into hydrogen. Imagine an energy industry that provides jobs at home anywhere there's water, wind, and sun. Imagine an industry with no cost for its raw materials!

PROPOSITION # 2: Tax and other incentives for gas stations to carry hydrogen fuel.

No sane person would buy a fuel cell car if they can't fuel it. Service station owners need a reason to make a change that will cost them money in the short run. They're not in business to make the world a better place. They have bills to pay.

PROPOSITION # 3: Tax and other incentives for auto manufacturers to produce affordable fuel cell vehicles. People besides Jay Leno need to be able to make the switch.

PROPOSITION # 4: Another "Cash for Clunkers" program once things get started, with a proviso that cash only gets paid to those buying fuel cell vehicles.

Let's start spreading the word. Tweet about this subject #hydrogen. If we wait for the pols to decide this, we'll all be swimming in oil. In the meantime, on yer bike!
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