May 03, 2011 03:01
- 10:32:30: RT @Mr_Collins: Aspects of the Bin Laden compound bore a slight resemblance to the second chimneypiece in the Rosings kitchen. #pishposh
- 10:57:19: RT @headgeek666: Since it is 54 degrees in Austin, do you think Hell froze over when Osama arrived?
- 10:58:50: RT @billmaher: Somali pirates, Gaddafi's son, now bin Laden - do NOT fuck with Obama, he's Gangsta!!
- 11:09:00: RT @moonrat: my life literally CANNOT get any better than this one pure moment Alan Rickman reads Sonnet 130 #nati ...
- 11:47:13: RT @jasonmustian: I think whoever shot Bin Laden is going to be the first guy in history to die of blowjobs.
- 11:53:39: RT @MWJ1231: RT @dailykos: Flashback: O'Reilly attacked Obama for promising to take out bin Laden
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