Of course the home internet would decided to be a fly in my oinment. Despite how inexpensive
UK Online are, its just not worth the hassel. In comparison to
BT I never had this much trouble with an ISP, even after we found our old Voyager USB modems weren't compatible with BT Broadband. Irritatingly I have locked my parents into a 12 month contract with them, so it wont be until 2007 before we can break away. As for myself I am with the dilema of my own contract.
Our house is pretty much run by the internet. The telephone bills were so high I switched us to VOIP with Vonage in January. The proof is in the pudding we have had a dramatic reducation in our bills. Our quaterly bills are a third of what they used to be. And Vonage, despite the poor launch on NYSE, has actually worked by and large. The only niggling factor is the quality of the sound when we call others. When the internet goes down we lose the phone, so our access to the internet is very important.
So whenever the internet goes down at home I get a frantic phone call from home. "Its not working" is always the first cry, but of course is very unhelpful. It could be a number of things, ranging from the equipment to the user. An hour later we find its the password settings, which appears to be my fault at first, but when I think about it the wrong password has been working since I set up the modem/router. Curious.
As for my contract with UK Online I'm stuck either paying for it until October, £58.96, or transfering it and having to pay £24.99 instead for the same broadband, leaving me out of pocket £99.96; the transfer fee has been waived after I had a chat with them. The question is of £40. Should I take the option and transfer? Or should I leave the contract as is and be out of pocket only £58.96?
Come the end of the year I will be taking out an Orange contract with free broadband or any other ISP apart from UK Online.
This whole experience has left me to realise that navigating a parent through a Modem/Router setup is tough work. x_x
Just the final push. Have to keep focused for now. Mostly done... mostly.