Title: Yesterday, Tomorrow…Now.
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Word Count: 200
Author’s Note: Written for challenge No. 84: Lay Down Your Burdens on
ar_drabbles…Inspired by the cruel twists and turns inflicted this week upon our favorite couple by the ever brilliant
bsg_aussiegirl and
bugsfic who made me need something sweet - though I suppose this may qualify more as bittersweet! See, they've even infected my muse!!
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Ronald D. Moore. He’s a very lucky man.
Here in this place, Bill forgets the world exists. The entire universe recedes to this one embrace; this soft skin, gentle touch, heady scent and steady breaths.
Since before the ends of the world, Bill Adama has been running. Running from the burden of a dead brother’s potential, the accusations of a drunken wife, the unfulfilled hopes of a broken father, and the self-imposed guilt of family, fleet, and friendship failures.
When he took command of the remainder of humanity, Bill had stopped worrying about the future too. No more reason to hope for reconciliation or redemption amongst a tomorrow that may never come.
But here in this place he is safe from a past he has been too terrified to face and a future he is losing the desire to see.
Here in this place, Bill lives only in the present. A present filled with love and tenderness and passion and promise. A present that makes his heart beat fast, his knees go weak, his thoughts only sweet.
Bill would wish he could stay here forever. But to wish that would allow the possibilities of tomorrow to enter today and Bill Adama refuses to exist outside of the present.