(no subject)

Apr 02, 2004 17:55

To those that think that Liberals Suck, i respond to you that

There. I said it. And the reality of the fact is that this should come as no susprise to any of you. If this is shocking and new information to you, or even if Politics really isnt your thing, I suggest you to read on, yah might learn something. And if you are perhaps offended by that statement, or at the very least, disagree with it, i suggest you do not read any further. Do not educate yourself, Do not keep an open mind, Do not hear what the rest of the world is saying. Because seriously, isnt that what you guys do anyways?

First things First. Leadership of Conservative America. Thanks to the mighty Grand Ole Party (aka The G.O.P) (Aka, Republicans) Conservatives now have taken control of the goverment, not only haveing the majority of representation in Congress, but also with compassionate conservative posterboy George W. "Dont Mess With Texas" Bush. Now it would be easy to do as others have done and just begin the Bush bashing, but there are alot of people out there that specialze in that. And if reading quotes taken out of context, and misprounouced words is your kind thing, there are probally numerous websites out there that do a much better job then i ever could. Granted, Bush probally isnt the most intellegant man thats ever been in the white house, but he also isnt the worst. And the media and public is doing a fine job characterizing him as this blundering idot. The man graduated from an Ivy Leauge law school while being coked out of his mind. Of course it helps when your father is vice president and making substatial grants to the school, but i dont think it would help the amount that the media would lead you to beleive that he needed. The only real problem i have with Bush42 is that durring the 2000 election, he recived 50,456,062 votes. The guy he ran aganist, got 50,996,582. Granted, that extra 50,000 votes or so is just a drop in the national bucket, but that extra 50k votes should of kept Gore off the book circut for at least 4 years. (And before you start bitching, i was pulling for bush in that election, god i hate joe lieberman so much. so. goddamn. much.) Bush won by a system called the Electorial College. The electorial college is more or less a control system. Its set up so that whoever wins the popular vote (thats us commoners) in a certain state, gets that states set of electorial votes. Now we, the people, have no control over how the electorial votes will go. Its was set up this way to keep the people from making an uninformed decision. It left the real power in the so-called educated voters, the politicans, the upper class white male 50-60 demographic. So to those that say the Liberals Control the media, i say to you, the Conservatives control the Goverment. So quit your bitching when we throw our sound byte stones at your tank, its all the oppressed can do at this time.

Alright, enough on bush, lets switch focus to his right hand man, Vice President Dick Cheney. hmm, lets use the story of Paul O'Neill as an example, because I can think of no better. For those of you that are not familer with this little scandel, allow me to educate you. Dick Cheney, Vice President, Former CEO Haliburton, appointed his friend Paul O'Neill as Tresury Secretary of the United States. Now, for the most part this is understandable, the Spoils System has always played a key factor in the apointing of high level positions. Now, again, the GOP could of made a much better decision then Paul O'Neill, they also could of made worse. Imagine Mr. O'neill's susprise when being called into the office one day by his good friend VP Cheney only to be told that he was being let go for, as advisors put it "steping on too many toes." His replacement was John Snow, another all star of Big Business hand picked by the VP. Of the 3 new members of the president's economic team, Snow was the only one to get almost universally poor reviews. Yet he had one of the largest compensation packages in recent history. It remains that the only thing Snow has been able to do as Tresury Secretary has been to secure larger returns for stock holders of his company, of which he still remains an active member of the board. Dishonest? perhaps, but then again, the VP is guility of similar crimes. The mere mention of the word Haliburton should send shivers though any supporter of team Bush-Cheney. If your going to talk about Cheney, you have to talk about his contribution to the enviroment. excuse me, his contribution to the destruction of the enviroment. Drilling in the artic wildlife refuges was mearly the first step in his All-Drilling-No-Conservation plan that his White House Energy Task Force (that never met, not even once btw) came up with to keep america in its vice like dependance on Oil, and the business that has developed to control the importing and distrubition of it.
Really quick like, before i stop talking about Cheney, i would just like to mention the Nixon like level of secrecy Cheney keeps. To this day, Cheney and his aides have refused to disclose the names of most of those industry executives that "advised" him on the task force's recomendations dispite requests from the goverments accounting office. Now i dont know what that is to you, but to me, it just sounds like Vice President Cheney, No.2 guy in the Nation telling us, the american people, that the details of this particual event are None of Our Business. now if only he would of come out and said that in a press conference.
Speeking of which, have you seen a Rumsfeild press conference? This guy, This Conservative, flat out says to reporters "Im Not Going To Awnser That Question." I respect that, hell, i even enjoy it. i loved it when he made jokes about it. something to the reguard of telling a reporter "Im curious as to how im not going to awnser that question." The balls on that guy. Well, i guess you have to have balls to start a war against the world super power that is Iraq. With their many lines of well armed and well trained defenses. And dont forget all the Wepons of Mass Destruction. Seriously, how long did that war take, a week? two? Years from now it will be rememberd just like the Spanish-American war. Just a "Splendid little war" that did no more then test the new equipment of the millitary.
Lastly today, i would like to touch on the role of the Conservative in Modern Media. And im not just talking about Fox New's "Fair And Balanced" (HA!) view on the world, im in fact talking about the leading Conservative Opinionists / Authors / RadioPersonalities / LoudMouths / Bullies that are associated with Conservative Media. The only thing I can say about Bill O'Rielly is to watch an episode of his show Crossfire. In about the first 5 min of the show, you will be able to tell which guests he likes, and which he does not like. Then keep track of the air time that each category gets. Also fun to keep track of, how many times O'Rielly inturpts people, and rasies his voice in an attempt to drown out all arguments aganist him. The worst of all the Conservative Mediawhores has got to be Randi Rhodes. Take everything horrible about Bill O'Rielly, put it on the radio, uneducate it, and make it a woman. You now have Randi Rhodes. I refer anyone to see her appearance on "Real Time with Bill Marh" (i beleive it was the 2nd ep of the current season) to see what im talking about. Granted, Real Time is an EXTREMELY liberal show and the deck kinda was stacked aganist her, but even so, she managed to come off worse then i expected.
And then theres the man that started it all. Now my friends, we come to Rush. Rush Limbaugh has for years used his ultra conservative radio show to ram his views down your throat. You may think it was howard stern that invented the act of being a dick to callers. Nope. Its that man, the one with all the oxycotten in his mouth. For years Rush has been advocating stronger drug laws and tougher sentinces for drug related crimes. Which is why I think that once hes out of rehab, he will make an example and turn himself in for the maximum sentince avalible.
wait.... what? hes... hes already out of rehab?? oh.... well did he turn himself in? no. oh. well, umm. maybe, hes umm. ummm. meh, I guess hes just a huge hypocrite duchebag like the rest of Conservative America.

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