Its MONDAY NIGHT FOLKS! You know what that means! Geeky on 9 and Sexy on 4 ;)
I just about died watching this, I mean so lolsy, I called that bitch fight. And I'm slowly moving to the Sheldon/Penny shipping side, though I think in my heart of hearts I'm really a Sheldon/Penny/Leonard shipper cause I luvs the Leonard/Penny and the Leonard/Sheldon too... (OT3 Fic anyone?) Though I really hope that the other one moves out, Penny was fine and she actually cares about the guys, Tall with boobs just doesn't. And Penny yes took advantage of the guys but to this degree. Plus I'm vaguely annoyed that the guys just kinda dumped Penny for Tall with Boob's. I mean when they were going to set up Penny's stereo they made it like a freaking science experiment! Gah I dislike this character... I hope she does not return.
I really think the writer's are beginning to really get back to Season 1 glory once again, the past couple episodes have been brilliant. To sum it all up
+ Angela: Baby I love you I can NOT say that enough, mamma you is bad ass
+ the Petrelli bros: Peter you are still filled with whiny emo, Nathan is getting drunk again-- but the Senator did clean up nice at the end and wooo boy those were some sexy aviators
+ Claire: I can't get drunk... But I have survival skills! FTW-- Seriously Da cheerleader has some skills on her
+ Sylar/Danko: Okay in the beginning was not a fan of Danko (I'm still not really) But the playing around with Sylar business.... dude you are playing with fire (that has telekinetic powers) you know that right? Also Sylar you are being super sexy again with your sexy brows, and psycho simile. (Sorry, but I can't help but fan girl over this one) But now with this shape shifting power all I can imagine is dirty dirty hate!sex between fem!Sylar and Danko (Sylar tops duh)(Somebody I know just keeled over their computer and puked, someone else might have just been given the best plot bunny ever)
+ HRG: Did you not see Angela or did peter get his Matt power back? Gah?
Overall impression: Lovely episode but the Petrelli family has so MUCH freaking power (And sexy, except Peter he's just emo). I'm wayyyy excited about next week!