An excellent book about the Shakespeare authorship controversy, which was a topic I once wasted quite a lot of online time on (between about 2000 and 2004). Shapiro is not really writing about the balance of evidence on either side, though he makes it clear that his sympathies are with the Stratford man rather than with Francis Bacon or the Earl of
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It really isn't a big deal anyway. No sensible person believes that the absence of surviving manuscripts in Shakespeare's hand means he didn't write the plays. If that mattered, which it doesn't, it would equally apply to Oxford as well, so I don't know why Oxfordians keep going on about it.
With regard to the final section of your comment, I have no idea what you mean.
Yes, Thompson "sounds" like a cautious scholar, he masters (like you) the discourse of "reasonable scholarship".
But if one is not beguiled by the "sound of reasonability" and keeps his eyes open... there is nothing else than "swearing against the truth so foul a lie", aka blahblah.
I still have no idea what you mean about "swearing against the truth so foul a lie".
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