Dear Die-ry,
~There hasn't been much up in my life 'cept work and more work. I had a day off this week and it was spent sleeping and lounging about something that I havent really done in a while. It was good since hell my wrist has been killing me since all the scooping I have been doing for two weeks pretty much straight.
~I have some other news. I am a little out of my slump since things have been going so well. I am paying back Northeastern and as such thats one less worry out of my hair. I am going to be finished with my old cell phone bill so yay another debt done and gone. I am still a person in debt however I am inching my way out and it's at least progress. I am glad that I am at least making some room in my life for thinking ahead rather then just what amount of debt I have left.
~For one I am thinking of school again and thinking of possible ways to get into a school and afford it. It's a little premature but I do have some ideas that Id like to jot down and just get out into the aether. I was thinking the best idea for school and such is first the gaining of a drivers liscense. I am thinking this since I can keep the job at Haagen Daaz and then commute to school. It be a way to manage both Id go to school part time and work part time. The work paying for school and car and thus no longering acruing much debt since Id make myself be on a strict economic schedule. I won't be trying to use much of my money except on what books, car insurance, gas, and helping my mom with the house rent and such.
~It seems a little far fetched however Ill be planning it out more in depth when the time comes. Its just an idea and as such the seed of an idea is better then none I like to think.
~Mary Schiavo case.
I am very confused in that yes she maybe has only 20% of her brain and she may have wished to die if she was ever in that state...However is it right to let someone die of hunger and thirst...
I am both confused and saddened. I am not one for death as it is a idea that repulses me. I know its a natural order of life as that all things that are born die. I also know what makes a human a human is what we do with the time we have between those moments. However yes this women is in a "vegitative state". It is not right however to let her die via starvation and saddens me to a level where I feel I will cry for an outright stranger. I am very empathic and sometimes strong emotions can overwhelm me when they are felt by many others. At this moment I am scared for her as she may not even know whats's a slow death and no one deserves to suffer.
I don't know why this has moved me maybe the deep lines it seems to be forming with people, government and just people not wanting anyone to die because of someone else's choice. I am saddened and as such actually cried when they showed her picture. I maybe being overly sentimental however that's how I am. I just hope that god in all his grace doesn't take this idea as a suicide as she seemed a good women in life and that should be her mark. May nature take her back into her womb and give her life eternal in the great wheel of time and space.
Thats all....if you have any ideas on this I'd like to hear it...