A real fan XD

May 25, 2009 17:21

Stealed from agemaki's blog :*

You know you are a NewS fan if...

1. If someone ever doubts you, you shout "BELIEVE!"

2. If someone asks "What's for dinner?" You respond "I want a pumpkin!"

3. You randomly shout "Hallelujah Chance!" with the hand motion (with my sister...yes XD)

4. The first Japanese song you learned all of the words to was a NEWS song. (no, Arashica! )

5. You abandon anime for J-dorama (oh my god, YES!)

6. You abandon all other fandoms for NEWS and JE (Hell yeah XD)

7. You watch Kanjani8 videos for BakaRyo. (Sì, ma non solo, ormai mi sto innamorando di tutti i Kanjanetti...)

8. Your family knows what NEWS is and can name your favorite member

9. Your friends don't even like NEWS and they can your ichiban (oddio, sì, poveri XD)

10. You think plaid is really cool (ma anche no XD)

11. You're running out of room on your computer because you download every video/song/picture (non solo a causa NEWS...)

12. You can't delete pictures, even if the post barely changes (non si deletta nulla!)

13. Boy on boy action no longer seems weird or gay (Ormai :D)

14. Lip syncing is okay

15. Boys at school as no appeal because they're not skinny, sexy Japanese musicians/actors/entertainers (le dure verità)

16. Boys in pink are actually really hot (Ma figuriamoci, faccio fatica a vedere pure loro in rosa...)

17. Sparkles look good on boys (e che ci devo fare, senza paillette non sono più loro!)

18. Real boybands need to sing, dance, act, do theater and play guitar or their posers (XD)

19. You're learning Japanese so you can watch videos without subtitles (E se no perché mi sarei messa a tradurre canzoni "come esercizio" :P)

20. Your binders are covered with pictures of NEWS

21. You can't remember the color of your bedroom wall because it's filled with NEWS (manca poco!)

22. You never considered buying multiple edition of anything before NEWS

23. You spend any money you get on NEWS paraphenalia

24. You see strawberries and you think "OISHII!"

25. You brush off people who say "They look like girls..." (questa è assolutamente vera)

26. The first single you ever bought was NEWS

27. You like any band they do (ei: L'arc~en~ciel, Anna tsuchiya...) (non credo proprio XD)

28. You were mad you don't live in Wisconsin when you found out Tegoshi was coming

29. You didn't like Yaoi until you discovered NEWS (ma se è coi Kat-tun che lo yaoi da il meglio XD)

30. You have all their PVs (ma alcuni non li guardo mai, sono terribili)

31. You have all the concert tours and ripped audio (non tutti)

32. You go crazy if you don't check your LJ because you may have missed an important update! (eh sì, ma non solo per i News...)

33. You save every video that has either of the member, even if they only appear for 3 seconds (non esageriamo...)

34. You're future career is planned around NEWS and/or Japan(e cosa studio giapponese a fare XD)

35. You think your classmates are crazy when they don't think any member is cute (no, dai, li capisco, non è che TUTTI possano essere considerati stupendi eh...)

36. You never knew the existance of Mediafire until you became a NEWS fan

37. You're thinking of getting a Premium megaupload account because of all your downloads...

38. You randomly write NEWS lyrics anywhere

39. You thought MOLA was sexy even before you realized it was in English (e ancora non me ne capacito...)

40. Your heart broke when you watched Shige's kiss clip from Seminar (col cavolo, avrei voluto vederlo, altro che balle)

41. You didn't know any actresses names until you got into NEWS

42. You kind of like High School Musical just because of Koyama (veramente li ho guardati tutti indipendentemente XD)

43. Everyday you think about saving up to go to Japan just for a concert...(in realtà vado in Giappone E mi vedo i concerti, 2 piccioni con una fava!)

44. You freak out your classmates when you explain gaysex.. or Yaoi (in realtà ne parlo solo alla Chiara perché così mi sclera XD eppoi..i 3/4 dei miei compagni di corso SONO gay, che vado a spiegare loro?? X°°D)

45. July 4th is no longer independence day, It's Masuda's birthday. (mi spiace, è il Benevolence day :D)

46. You didn't know your blood type until you found about Koi no ABO, and then you ran to your parents, "What's my blood type?!" (assolutamente NO, per una come me sapere certe cose è essenziale...e se avessi bisogno di una trasfusione!!!)

47. You watched/ listened to Happy Birthday the number of years you turned on your birthday

48. The audio rip of DREAMS from Never Ending Wonderful Story makes you cry because you think of Koyama crying

49. You start pronouncing love as rabu. (sì XD)

50. If someone gives a peace sign, you think of Tegoshi's "futari"

51. Guys wearing heeled boots isn't weird anymore (solo per i giappici però)

52. Skulls are the coolest thing ever (besides NEWS) (direi di no...)

53. You start calling your pet Nyanta, Even if it's a dog..

54. You think of Shige when you hear Bangledesh

55. You start doing the hand motion when Cherish comes on and you're in the middle of the hallway at school

56. You try miso soup because of Tegomass (ma no, la amavo anche prima...)

57. Anytime anyone says the word color you think of NEWS

58. You think of NEWS when there's a fiesta

59. Week should have 4 e's

60. There's nothing wrong with crossdressing, it's actually really really hot (solo in pochi casi.)

61. Perms aren't a bad idea on guys (ma anche nooooooo)

62. You have different notebooks for fanfiction for different pairings (no ma cartelle sì)

63. You can't name the four points of the compass without referring to NEWS (North, East, West, South)

64. You can name all the singles and all the songs on each single and album

65. Watching NEWS is your workout

66. You randomly say "konkon" with hand motions (oh sì!)

67. When you see that exit sign of a guy running, you're always thinking of Ima wa from "Ai no Matador"

68. Someone starts talking about current events, says "On the NEWS" or newspaper all you think about is NEWS

69. any mentions of DV reminds you of Ryo's character Sosuke from Last Friends... (imprescindibile XD.)

70. You tried typing "Have you heard the news about..." and ended up typing 'news' as 'NEWS' or 'NewS'?

71. You think Lawyers are HOT because of Shige (sìììììììììììì)

72. Turn the word "masu" to "MASSU" after any word has it, such as: ItadakiMASSU, IkiMASSU (SIII!!!!)

73. Get excited when you see links for 'news' even if it's nothing related to them (ma perché sto così male...)

74. You have successfully repelled potential boyfriends simply by letting them look through your iPod, leading them to discover all the NEWS pictures, songs, videos, etc.

75. Start loving Gyoza and Ramen after Massu and Koyama

76. On your birthday, you don't want the traditional "Happy Birthday to you..." You want "Kimi no Happy Birsuday" (Oh *_*)

77. You’re guity of dancing Chirarizumu, Koi no ABO and Nantoka Narusa in the shower

78. you watch any dorama that features NEWS member, even if it's only a special appearance

79. you think of massu when you see buta and Koyama when you see Neko

80. you like Ya Ya Yah because NEWS members were on it all the time

81. You watch shounen club because Koyama hosts it

82. Just the word 'rescue' makes you think of MAssu (sì, ma + i kattunz)

83. You imagine the only Japanese Boy in your school to be in JE

84. You see a rainbow and start naming the members for each color. And then you get sad when there's no pink for Tegoshi

85. If a song doesn't have a dance, you memorise the way their hand or head moves

86. You stare at your screensaver and not use your computer just because it's a running of all the NEWS pictures you have in your Pictures folder

87. You think that sit-ups will never be successful to build abs unless you do it wile eating a honey stick

88. no matter how cute a guy laughs, they can never beat Massu's "hur hur hur"

Il risultato è preoccupante...

news, baka things, fangirling

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