First reaction: outrage.
No, really. I thought the first half was so awful it was almost good. In a perverse sort of way, I enjoyed it. Cackling Caan was my favorite...until he turned out to be working for the Doctor - having "seen the light," as it were, which made him feel less legitimate, if that makes sense.
And I feel as though I should rewatch with a bottle of something by my side and drink every time someone stands around like a LEMMING. Seriously, a ridiculous amount of lemming-ness going on in this episode. There was SO MUCH potential for good dialogue where instead we got to listen to Davros wail away. WE KNOW what he's going to say - it's like Pinky and the Brain - "What are we going to do this (period of rels), Davros?" "Same thing we do every (period of rels), widdle Dalek - we're going to try to DESTROY THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!1"
DoctorDonna was some great acting by CT, if a bit...meh. Explanations, schmexplanations, right?
Well I was a bit frustrated with the Doctor's incessant shouting and all his companions being lemmings and last-minute deus-ex-machina DoctorDonna, but whatever. Could've dealt.
THEN the second half.
I'm really not sure I can watch this anymore. I'm going to go into denial and live in fandom, because, you know what? A LOT OF FIC MAKE MORE SENSE THAN THAT. GRRR.
Of course, if Rose is gonna be a lemming, why would the Doctor want her? He has no use for lemmings. He needs someone who can get things done while he's shrieking in denial.
I just felt the whole solution was an injustice to Rose, and injustice to the Doctor, and an injustice to all they did together and who they were together. Ugh.
P.S. If Mickey can stay in his ORIGINAL (HOME) universe, then SO CAN ROSE. Except, no, she has to take care of the Doctor!Doppelganger instead. Yeah, RIGHT.
I do not understand RTD, I really don't. I had heard it rumored that this was going to happen, but I think the explanation for it was absolutely ridiculous. It came off as the Doctor trying to isolate himself because "everyone else has somewhere they belong" or whatever, and he, for some reason, doesn't deserve not to feel lonely.
And... just, just... UNBELIEVABLE.
Edit: Also, I think I hate RTD just a little more for making Rose so fixated on Ten as 'her Doctor,' and still being 'him' when he 'regenerated.' Urgh. Hours later and I'm still getting annoyed. Don't know how I'm going to fall asleep tonight.