Title: 057. Scales
Rating: PG
Pairing: Donghae/Kyuhyun
Archive: 012/100
Notes: Something's fishy about Donghae. I consumed a lot of sugar before writing this one.
"KYUHYUUUUUUUUNNN-AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Kyuhyun winced at the large and dramatic voice that called him just as the owner of said voice came crashing into him with a high-pitched wail that made Kyuhyun want to lie down and die. "KYUUUUUHYUUUUUNNNNN-AAAAAHHHHH"
"What is it, Hyung?" Kyuhyun asked, wishing that the other wouldn't cling to him and didn't Donghae know he was still recovering?
Apparently he didn't because Donghae continued to cling. "I HAVE SCALES."
Kyuhyun, who was struggling against Donghae's grip stopped moving and blinked at the older boy. "What?"
"I HAVE SCAAAALLLLLLLLLLEEEESSSSSSSSSS......!!!!" Donghae extended the word a little longer than was necessary, just to prove his point. "I'M TURNING INTO A FISH."
Kyuhyun rubbed his temples. "Donghae-hyung, that is impossible. You know that, right?"
"Stop that!" Kyuhyun scolded, head pounding from the enlongated words, the non-stop capitals and the obvious lies flowing from his hyung's mouth. "You can not have scales. And you are not turning into a fish. It's biologically impossible."
"I DO. AND I AM." Donghae pouted, continuing with his capitals as he crossed his arms, letting Kyuhyun free for the moment. Kyuhyun contemplated running away, but knew that in his present condition, he wouldn't get very far and would just get hurt in the process as Donghae would most likely tackle him.
"Fine. Let's say you do have scales. How do you suppose you got them?"
Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, smacking himself mentally for asking a stupid question. With Donghae, everything was about aliens.
"And how do you suppose we get rid of your scales?" Kyuhyun asked with a raised eyebrow. "If you have them, of course."
A contemplative look passed over Donghae's face before his mouth spread into a large grin. "LIKE THIS," Donghae capitalized as he reached up and brought Kyuhyun's mouth to his.
When they broke apart for air, Kyuhyun frowned deeply, irritated. "If you wanted a kiss, you could have just asked."