Only one more week to go! One week, and then free time for a whole monthX3 Although, I think my brain is already on vacation, ever since I overcame that which they call 'Wednesday' I've been seriously lacking in motivation^^; But thank you so much for all your support and kindness, it really helped a lot:3 My contract got renewed (until right before my bday^^;), the assignment and paper got done, and the world didn't come to an end in the processXD Now, just the exams left...O_o
Unfortunately, since I really should be studying and because I still have to work tomorrow I don't have enough time this weekend to do the full episode of GRA (which, given my alternating schedule, would have been up this week):S It's 70min after all!>_< Plus, I decided to try doing a little of it after I finished the episode I picked for today, and in the version I have the audio is almost completely out of sync, which makes it absolutely infuriating to watch, let alone translate^^; So...long story short, I'm spending 6 hours to try and download another version, and I did the next Shukudai-kun innstead;) That would be the one from 07.10.08 where they do a preview of the Odoroki Sp=)
Ogura: Arashi's Homework begins~! There's no box coming out? (writing)
Sho: No, there isn't it.
Ogura: A box?
Jun: It's not coming.
Aiba: It's not ne, the set's different too ne. (writing)
Sho: Actually, right now we're just about to begin filming for the Odoroki Arashi 'Experiments of the Century
that can't even be predicted by scholars' Special 3.
[writing: Right before taping!]
Jun: Yes.
Sho: We're alrteady right about to begin. So everyone, how's your enthusiasm? Ohno-san?
Ohno: Alright!
Sho: Ah, there's some enthusiasm ne. Yes, that's perfect ne.
{the announcer says that in today's shukudai-kun they're going to show only the best parts of the Odoroki
SP, just for the audience memeber who always watch;) They're also going to show the parts that have already
hit the cutting room floor, right before the show, and he wonders if it's okay to show that much;)}
Sho: Without delay, take a look at the line up this time. Here it is. This time ne, to avenge the ice floe
from last time, we have 'can you reach Tokyo Bay in a boat made of leaves'?
Aiba: Well, it does kind of ressemble it...
Ogura: The more I remember it the more I think that ice floe was reckless ne. (writing)
Sho: Yeah, I really thought I was going to die. (writing)
Ohno: Well, we won't be doing that again.
Sho: And, 'what will happen if you use an electric fan in zero gravity?' We started the zero gracity experiments
last time, and they were extremely interesting ne?
Jun: They're interesting ne, this time is the first time I've gone, but it was as interesting as you'd
think! (writing)
Ogura: Interesting?
Jun: Yes!
{the announcer says now they're going to replay the legendary experiments from the previous zero gravity sessions.
Biology professor Hashimoto had always wanted to try this experiment: can a butterfly properly fly in zero
gravity? The stage for this experiment is this high-speed jet. This jet plane will make a high-speed rapid ascent at 800km/h, then nose dive. At that time it will
create a space of zero gravity for 20 seconds. Similar to the momentary feeling of weightlessness when you reach the
apex of a swing. Though this sensation will last for 20 seconds}
Aiba: I've gotten kind of scared;P (writing)
Ohno: But you won't know until you try ne.
Aiba: That's right ne.
Ohno: Because the butterfly feels the same way. (writing)
[writing: Finally heading into the world of zero gravity! Announcer: Before the experiment we let them taste
zero gravity to their heart's content.]
Ohno: Your head kind of gets a little 'whoo' right?
Aiba: It completely goes like 'whoo' ne.
Ohno: That's right. Like out of whack you know.
[Announcer: After this, the great experiments of the century begin. Can a butterfly properly fly in zero gravity?
AIba: Although these are the normal conditions...shall we release it and see?
Ohno: Yes.
Aiba: Hey. Hey. Aw, isn't that kind of cute?
[Announcer: Typically they're gracefully-flying butterflies. (writing) So in zero gravity...Finally the experiment begins.
Arashi invesitgates the experiments of scholars' dreams. Can they get to Tokyo Bay in a leaf boat? Odoroki no Arashi 'Experiments of the Century
that can't even be predicted by scholars' Special 3, tonight at 7pm. If you release a butterfly in zero gravity
can it fly properly? The experiment of the century begins.]
Aiba: If you please~.
Ohno: Here it is! Fly! Hey! Their eyes are spinning! Their eyes are spinning! (writing)
Aiba: They're facing backwards! They're facing backwards! (writing)
Ohno: They have no idea where to go!
Aiba: Ah, amazing! Uwa, amazing!
Staff: It's over~.
Sho: Amazing!
Aiba: They flew! They flapped, somewhat, ne? (writing)
Ohno: Yeah.
Aiba: They did their best. (writing)
Ohno: It's zero gravity they lost their bearings.
Aiba: That's right. They probably didn't understand which way they were going. (writing)
[Announcer: Certainly, the butterflies had no idea what direction they were going and just kept going round
and round in circles. Once the gravity returned the butterflies were once able to fly as usual. (writing)]
Aiba: The experiment's result! What is it, Captain?
Ohno: When a butterfly is in zero gravity they lose track of where they're going and spin around and around.
Aiba: In conclusion, they're lost!
[Announcer: And three's a huge helping of zero gravity experiments this time as well. What happens if you
spin an electric fan in zero gravity? Actually, last time they did it as well, but they couldn't get it to
work properly in zero gravity. And this time when they let the electric fan go in zero gravity something
incredible happens. Others are: what will happen if you open a confetti ball in zero gravity? What would
happen if you ate ramen in zero gravity? Well then, we'll show you just a little bit...if you eat ramen in
zero gravity...]
Jun: Thanks for the food!
Aiba: Go ahead.
[writing: The broth disappeared! Announcer: My my, the broth has disppeared. To see the real thing, watch
Odoroki Arashi 3.]
Aiba: Cause it's an unknown world ne. (writing)
Jun: You can't experience it ne.
Aiba: You can't experience it.
Sho: It looks interesting ne.
Aiba: it is interesting.
Sho: Then, limits, here's part of the 'limits' series. What is the depth limit for underwater ninjitsu escape?
Ogura: 'Underwater ninjitsu escape' is where you walk underwater right? (writing) With this thing here?
Sho: Ninjas use a pole-type thing underwater ne.
Ohno: it was kind of dangerous ne. (writing)
Ogura: It's that dangerous? (writing)
Jun: It was dangerous ne. I mean, if you try doing the underwater ninjitsu escape and you fail, you'll die ne.
Aiba: And, I mean, they just suddenly made MatsuJun do it. Because the staff here definitely won't do a
simulation. So that means that we're risking our lives doing this. (writing)
Jun: When we went to the location they told me there was no money to do a simulation;P
[Announcer: In reality, MatsuJun put his life on the line for this experiment. What is the depth limit for underwater
ninjitsu escape?]
Sho: Uwa, scary~.
[Announcer: We'll also show you just a bit of this experiment. A disaster occurs for MatsuJun. What exactly
happened to cause this un-idol-like look? Now let's take another look at the legendary 'limit experiments
from last time that caused so much excitement.]
Aiba: First of all, tada! Let's investigate the lenght limit at which a straw will inflate a soupa bubble. (writing)
So, in other words, how long can we make this where you can blow into it and still make it go 'pop!' out
the other end?
Ohno: I see.
[Announcer: For this experiment they made use of a commercially available soap-bubble set. (writing) From there
they took the straw, with it's 4mm diameter, and lengthened it. On a side note, here are the predictions of the
scholars. Most of the scholars estimated at or below 100m, but will they get it right? These two are participating as observers.]
Aiba: How far do you think this will work?
Isoyama: 200.
Aiba: 200?? 200!
Kuniko: I think it will reach 100m. I think it'll work at 100m.
Aiba: It'll work that far?
[Announcer: Without delay the experiment begins. (writing) First, they'll start the investigation from 3m.]
Staff: 3, 2, 1...
Isoyama: Begin!
Ohno: Ah, it worked!
Isoyama: it worked! That's really easy-
Ohno: Incredibly awesome.
Kuniko: It works, it works.
[Announcer: Next they're trying for 10m.]
Isoyama: 3, 2, 1!
Ohno: Oh, it's here!
Isoyama: It's there, it's there!
[writing: 10m clear. Cleared in an unexpectedly easy victory.]
Kuniko: Ah, amazing!
Isoyama: Amazing~!
Ohno: Shall we go to 100m! (writing)
Aiba: Let's go~! (writing) Yay~!
Kuniko/Isoyama: Let's go, let's go! (writing)
[Announcer: For the next experiment they're jumping straight to 100m. If this is successful it will mean that
the scholars who predicted below 100m would be wrong. In the end, will the bubbles inflate?]
Ohno: So, are we going? (writing)
Aiba: Anytime's fine.
Ohno: 3!
Aiba: Oh, there it is!
Ohno: 2! 1!
Kuniko/Isoyama: Ohhh~! (writing)
[Annoucner: Magnificently cleared!]
Aiba: Shall we do 200m? (writing)
Kuniko: Let's do it, let's do it!
[Announcer: Already at the point where it's hard for a voice to come across, 200m. In the end, will the
soap bubble inflate?]
Ohno: So, let's go!
Aiba: Already...
Ohno: So, 3, 2, 1! 1! It's here, it's here!
Kuniko: It's here, it's here. (writing)
[Announcer: Forcing his breath in, within seconds it becomes soap bubbles. However, it doesn't seem that Aiba
has the chance to notice everyone's shouts.]
Kuniko/Isoyama: Ah, it's here, it's here!
Ohno: Fantastic, fantastic!
[Announcer: And, after this, a strange illusion.]
Ohno: Fantastic!
Kuniko: You did well!
Ohno: Oh, it's still coming!
[Announcer: Even though he's stopped blowing the soap bubbles don't stop. That's right, an uncertain delay has
begun from the blowing to the inflation.]
Aiba: The whole time,(the air) was coming back on me. (writing) So with my tongue, like dith, I wath going...
Do you understand this? (writing)
Isoyama: I don're really understand it but-
Aiba: You don't understand? (writing)
Isoyama: -but you were undergoing a lot of hardship huh.
Aiba: I went through asn incredible amount of hardhip! This is hard! (writing)
[Announcer: Next, 400m. To relieve his fatigue, at this point Aiba and Ohno change places. The end result is
that, after a time lag of 10 seconds the soap bubbles do inflate, so it's somehow cleared. Next, they're
wishing for 500m.]
Aiba: 3, 2, 1! Go! Go 500m!
Isoyama: Keep trying!
Kuniko: Come on! Come one!
Aiba: Ah~, it's hard huh~. It probably seems like he's going to burst a blood vessel ne. (writing) Really.
Isoyama: Keep going, keep going! (writing)
Kuniko: Go go!
Isoyama: Keep going!
Ohno: There's no reaction. (writing)
Kuniko: One way or another it seems that 500m is impossible.
Aiba: it's impossible ne.
[Announcer: Just in case he kept going for a full minute, but the bubble didn't inflate. It seems that the limit
lies somewhere in the interval between 400m and 500m. (writing) This time they're going to cut the straw at 10m
each time and look for the actual limit. (writing) And, at the 460m mark...]
Aiba: Let's go~! 3, 2, 1, begin!
[Announcer: So, how about it?]
Kuniko: Eh, the soap conditions are good.
Aiba: It's going perfectly ne.
Kuniko: Ah, it's here, it's here! (writing)
Aiba: Here here here!
Kuniko: Alright, alright!
[Announcer: 11 seconds after beginning to blow, it inflates magnificently.]
Ohno: Ah~! Oh~, I'm tired~! We did it~! (writing)
Aiba: Success!
[Announcer: Which means the length limit on a straw for blowing soap bubbles was 460m.]
Aiba: This is the next experiment, tada! How many balls will a Newton's Cradle continue on to?
[Announcer: When they hit the balls instantly transfer their energy, causing the last ball to spring up, Newton's
Cradle. Just how many balls can you string together? Even if it only makes a reaction once, that's considered
a success.]
Aiba: For the most part ne, how many do you think it can take?
Kuniko: 600.
Aiba: You think 600 will work?
Kuniko: Yes.
AIba: Shall we do that? Isoyama-san?
Isoyama: 1000!
Aiba: 1000?;P
[Announcer: First they're going to try a Newton's Cradle with 100 balls.]
Aiba: Trying a Newton's Cradle with 100 balls, here we go! 3, 2, 1...
[Announcer: This is quickly cleared]
Aiba: 100, yay!
[Announcer: 300 and 500 balls are also easily cleared. And then...]
Aiba: We're doing 800 balls! (writing)
[Announcer: How far are you going? Next they're jumping right to 800 balls.]
Aiba: Here goes 800 balls! 3, 2, 1...
[Announcer: Mmm, how about it? writing: Slow replay. Announcer: When you try verifiying it using slow playback...
it's just barely successful.]
Aiba: So, should we just do it? Finally the big 3rd digit...(writing)
Kuniko: 3rd digit? (writing)
Isoyama: 3rd digit? (writing)
Aiba: Ah! 4th digit, 4th digit! Shall we move on to the big 4th digit? (writing)
[Announcer: Finally, the big 1000 balls Newton's Cradle. It also happens to be 22m. In the end will the energy
transfer to the very last iron ball?]
Aiba: Newton's Cradle with 1000 balls! 3, 2, 1...
Kuniko: I can't tell if it reached here or not...
Aiba: What what, what happened?
Kuniko: Wait a sec!
[Announcer: Since it's quite uncertain, we'll confirm it in slow motion. Even though it was just a tiny bit, the
iron ball certainly did move. writing: 1000 balls is a success!! Announcer: This time the Newton's Cradle they
could make with the show's budget was 1000 balls. (writing) Although it's unfortunate that we can't see anything
further, it's got to be difficult.]
Aiba: This time it's 1000 balls!
Kuniko: We did it!
Isoyama: Hello, this is Isoyama Sayaka. Eh, last time I participated in the experiment with the Newton's
cradles. In particular, let's see ne, the Newton's cradle with 1000 balls, even though the last
ball moved only the littlest bit the sight of how happy all the people were over it, and the sense
of unity, was really fun ne. Please call me up next time, by all means.
[Announcer: Isoyama-san, please come observe again ne. And the limit experiment this time was...]
Jun: Okay then, I will be going! (writing)
[Announcer: Matsumoto's life is in danger! What is the depth limit for underwater ninjitsu escape? He puts
his life on the line to challenge this experiment in the world's best deep-water pool.]
Guy: If he takes the scuba gear out of his mouth and can't breathe out of that other one he'll die. (writing)
[Announcer: Matsumoto's prediction is 100m, but... (writing) In the end what is the depth limit for underwater ninjitsu escape?
A desperate Matsumoto, exactly what happened? And, Ohno and MatsuJun challenge the height limit of stilts.
In the end, what's the result?]
Staff: Let's go!
[Announcer: Up until this point Arashi has taken on many life-risking challenge. Last time they risked their
lives for the silly experiment called 'can a person fly inside a helium balloon?' These two people were called
to witness it, and the experiment begins without delay.]
JUn: Eh, well, it's just as you would think from looking at this picture. Well, this is me-
George: Wait a minute;P
Jun: -this is Sakurai-kun.
[writing: Fear of heights]
Sho: I don't wannna~. (writing)
[writing: Sakurai will enter the balloon. Announcer: Due to the power dynamics it's been decided that Sakurai-kun
will do it. So, we've prepared a 2m giant balloon. Fight on Sakurai! We're having Sakurai put on this oxugen mask
so that even inside the balloon he'll be getting 20% oxygen, just in case. writing: The ratio of helium gas to
oxygen is 8:2 - > he'll wear it just to make sure respiration is possible. Announcer: He'll also be wearing
goggles, because we're told that, depending on the person, helium can sting your eyes. (writing)]
Sho: I wonder if it's necessary for me to be in here at all... (writing)
[writing: Inside the balloon]
JUn: The helium is going to go in now. So, there it is.
George: It's really fast!
Aya: Amazing!
JUn: Sho-kun, how do you feel?
Sho: Hmm, well, my comfort's not too bad. (writing)
Jun: Not bad, really?
George: This feels like it's floating. (writing) It feels a lot like it's floating.
JUn: Everyone hold it down please ne.
George: Ah, hold it down.
Aya: Careful, it'll get away!
[Announcer: So, it's full of helium. In the end, will it float?]
Jun: Here we go. 3, 2, 1, let go!
George: Huh?
[Announcer: He tentatively tries jumping but...]
George: He's flying!
Jun: He's flying!
Sho: Oh!! That scared me!
George: What the heck. (writing)
Aya: Why? (writing)
Sho: Eh, why is everyone making this face like it's my fault... (writing)
[Announcer: So, how about with this? They're having them do a dream specially made balloon with 140 thousand
litres of helium inside. (writing) This is huge. Announcer: So, they inject the gas in one burst. It's filling
out more and more. When it reaches about 60% full Sakurai makes preparations to break inside.]
Sho: It's cold! (writing)
Ayua/George: You're cold?
[writing: The temperature inside the balloon is 2 degrees cel.]
George: You're cold?
Jun: Is that so...
Sho: It's cold! And hey, hasn't my voice changed? (writing) Right! Hasn't my voice changed?
George: it's changed, it's changed!
Sho: It's changed in here.
Geroge: It's changed, it's Degawa.
Jun: It's changed ne!
Geroge: Degawa-kun!
Sho: This is bad, this is bad! (writing)
Aya: 'This is bad';P
George: It's Degawa-kun.
Jun: Degawa-kun's here;P
[Announcer: The helium gas is injected in one burst. The balloon has also started to get fairly round.]
Jun: Hold it down. Everyone hold this down!
Sho: I'm scared~. (writing)
[Announcer We heard you, the gas is going in more and more. The ballon with Sakurai inside is filled to the brim with helium.
(writing) With this the preparations are done.]
Jun: So, finally, will it float when we release it with our hands?
Aya: That's how it feels ne.
Jun: I think I'd like to try and see! Okay everyone?
[Announcer: In the end, can you fly in the sky inside a helium balloon? (writing) So, fly, Sakurai!]
Jun: Countdown to letting go, 3! 2! 1! Let go!
[Announcer: Did it go? In the end, can you fly in the sky inside a helium balloon? (writing) So, fly, Sakurai!]
Jun: Countdown to letting go, 3! 2! 1! Let go!
[Announcer: Arashi invesitgates the experiments of scholars' dreams. Thought up by a scholar: If you stick
a melon and a watermelon together, how will it grow? Thought up by a scholar: Can you make it dryly to Tokyo
Bay in a leaf boat? Odoroki no Arashi 'Experiments of the Century that can't even be predicted by scholars'
Special 3, tonight at 7pm. In the end, can you fly in the sky inside a helium balloon? (writing)]
Jun: Countdown to letting go, 3! 2! 1! Let go!
Sho: Ah, scary~.
Jun: It went!
Sho: Hey hey hey!
Aya: Amazing~!
Jun: Oh, amazing! It's really doing it!
Jun: Oh, amazing! Just like the illustration.
[writing: Sakurai is here. Announcer: Magnificent. It rose rather high.]
Sho: Uwa~, this super mega scary~. (writing)
Jun: You're scared?
Sho: That's why I said it.
Jun: How's the scenery?
Sho: Awesome! (writing)
George: Awesome;P
Sho: Despite that, it's amazing. I'm flying in the sky. (writing)
Jun: Try standing up. (writing)
Sho: Wait a sec.
Jun: Oh, he stood up!
Aya: Amazing~!
Jun: Uwa, you stood up! But keeping your balance is a lot of trouble after all.
Sho: This is dangerous, there's nothing to hang onto so it's hard to stand. (writing)
Jun: Ah, I see ne.
[Announcer: In this way the 10 minutes of dreamy swimming end.]
Sho: Well somehow...I understand how it feels to be a balloon. Graceful. Kind of, incredibly graceful. (writing)
[Announcer: And this time there's this experiment as well. How will you be reflected on the3 inside of a
circular mirror? What would that mysterious world be like? And will you be able to reach Tokyo Bay dry in a
leaf boat? In the end, what is the fate of the leaf boat?]
Ogura: I want to somehow knock down the scholars. (writing) This time it definitely seems like they might
not have any idea what will happen ne.
Jun: It does ne.
Aiba: To the point they're watching ne.
Ogura: I'm looking forward to that.
Sho: Ninomiya-kun, how about it?
Nino: After all ne, we have no idea what their common sense is! (writing) You cna't know what'll happen til
it happens. This time as well, it's a surprise! (writing)
[Announcer: Arashi invesitgates the experiments of scholars' dreams. Can you make it dryly to Tokyo Bay in
a leaf boat? Odoroki no Arashi 'Experiments of the Century that can't even be predicted by scholars'
Special 3, tonight at 7pm. After this we'll show you the clips from the cutting room floor that you can
only see here!]
Sho: So, for more detail, by all means please watch the Odoroki no Arashi 'Experiments of the Century that can't even be predicted by scholars'
Special 3, October 11th at 7pm.
[Announcer: Arashi risks their lives to investigate experiments that scholars have always wanted to try. Can
you make it to Tokyo Bay in a leaf boat? And, if you run an electric fan in zero gravity, what will happen?
How will you be reflected from the inside of a circular mirror. What is that mysterious world like? Odoroki no
Arashi 'Experiments of the Century that can't even be predicted by scholars' Special 3, tonight at 7pm. Although
it's before it's even broadcast these clips have already been left on the cutting room floor! 'What would
happen if you put a pear in a star-shaped mold and left it? Well, go ahead.]
Nino: Okay, we've been waiting.
Girl: Eh~, my heart's beating a little faster ne.
Nino: This is what happens, tada!
Girl 2: Huh?
Girl: Huh?
Ohno: Uwa...
Girl: Ah, it's kind of pitiful.
Nino: Just a minute ne.
[writing: It looks perfectly round]
Ohno: Just a sec.
Girl: It kind of got injured.
[Announcer: When they try cutting it just in case...]
Girl 2: Delicious.
[writing: it is round...]
Nino: Eh? This is okay for primetime ne? Though it's so simple.
Sho: This is seriously scary!
Whoa, a dear friend of mine had told me that Jun was risking his life, but I didn't know she meant it seriouslyO_o Now I really want to know what happensXDD And he looked so freakin' adorable in the zero gravity with Aiba!<3 Those two, when they get together Jun ends up acting just like Aiba, it's now my favorite pairingX3 And...another boat experiment;P They must really like sinking huh...and it's always Sho! Maybe his bad luck is spreading to the experiments?;P The ice floe, the origami boat, the cardboard boat, now a leaf boat? What's next, the almighty cheese boat?XD Actually, that might be kind of long as it's not swiss cheeseXP (I sincerely apologize, that was uncalled for;P). Anyway, looking forward to watching the actual special~:3
But to make things a little sweeter, and because I just had to read it as soon as possible, I have the first edition of Jun's new serial in Roadshow magazine!:D
Credit to Mori for the scans;)Only one thing...the right side of the page is a little cut off, I don't know if there is something missing or not:S But, I did my best with what there is^^
Matsumoto Jun's Talk Session, Hug A Movie Vol.1
Arashi's Matsumoto Jun's new serial begins.
The talk and photo session with freelance writer Satou Yuuki and photographer Kobayashi Kisei.
He'll frely talk about the movies that interest him!
- Which means that from this month's issue onwards we'll have you talk with all your heart about your favorite movies or about
movies that interest you. To start is [Deadman]. First of all, what did did you think of it this time you
saw it?
I've seen this movie twice. Although, it's been about 4~5 years. First of all, they had me right in the
opening scene ne. The way time passed inside the steam train. Doing it slowly, it was decidedly not flashy,
but despite that it pulls in the people watching it in the blink of an eye. I thought that was amazing.
- I think you didn't notice at all, but inside that train is Billy Bob Thornton.
I didn't know. Every little thing's a luxury (laughs). In this movie I like the 'intervals' ne. After the train
scene, at the workplace, William Blakely (Johnny Depp) went to Charlie Dixon's (Gabriel Byrne) workplace but
he couldn't get him to hire him. So he goes to a bar and says [Give me a whiskey] and they bring out a bottle,
but when the barkeeper sees how little money he takes out he changes the bottle for a smaller one, that scene.
I like that kind of 'intervals' ne.
- Although there are a lot of people who misunderstand the director Jim Jarmush as a curtly cross person he's
actually incredibly kind; that and he's a person with an unbelievably sense for comedy.
Yeah. That 'interval' is comedy, without a doubt. Somehow ne, "Deadman" is a movie with an incredibly serious
theme, but I myself ne, seeing it anew this time, didn't think it was serious at all.
- That's interesting. Why?
The funniness of the bar scene, the cross-dressing guy (Iggy Pop) getting very easily attacked. It was like,
at any rate he doesn't have any connection to the storyline anymore, so he just went ahead an attacked him (laughs).
It was by no means cheap, but it feels cheap-ish ne. Though it was probably intentional.
- Ah, I really understand that. There was probably a necessity for it at first, in terms of what Jim was thinking.
It was probably a reason like he unexpectedly just wanted to do it ne.
Hahaha... That rythym is funny.
- Jim is an incredibly offbeat person. It's not in a regulated sense, I think that offbeatness must be his distinctive
Although watching it was really interesting, in reality, to be honest, there was a point where I got sleepy
for a moment (laughs).
- But it seems like getting sleepy is okay, with a movie like "Deadman" (laughs).
I think that must be how it is (laughs).
- I really think that how he made it ne.
Other than that, of course, Johnny Depp is cool ne.
- That's right ne. The Johnny in "Deadman", he himself is going on a journey but weird people like Iggy Pop,
who you mentioned earlier, start appearing around him en masse at that time right? As an example, when you're
doing a leading role Matsumoto-san, how do you conduct yourself when there are other people around you to work
In the case of a role where I have a lot of movement I can get involved with those people from my end,
which I'm grateful for. Conversely, in the case of a passive role, it really helps me out when, as much as I
move myself the people who have those kind of habits do various things.
- Other than that, the music in this movie is amazing as well.
I'm overly absorbed in the sound of Neil Young's guitar that comes in for that one momentary 'interval'.
- Johnny was also originally a musician, and so was Jim. When fellow musicians make a movie I think that
even if their musical taste happens to be largely different a common understanding will come out. That's why
I think that it's a good position for you, Matsumoto-san, to be doing variety, doing music, and also performing.
That's right ne. But being able to do a lot of things...there were times when that was hard on me too ne.
For example, when I'm doing a performance I feel that I just want to concentrate on the performance. But
right now I think that being able to do a lot of things is really something great. When I'm playing the role
of someone who lives in a certain area and actually go on location in that area I only return to the city
two days a week, but at times like that I feel like I don't want to leave that area. Besides that, I want
to do anything.
- Is the Matsumoto-san of right now in a position where he can present himself like 'I want to do this kind
of thing'?
I say it when I've thought that. Deciding everything myself...I think it's a little early for that. I can't
say that until I've appeared in and watched many more productions. Because even though I understand 'what's good',
I still don't understand 'why it's good'.
- Those words are kind of a wise thing to say ne~.
I've never seen this movie, so I have to admit I feel like I was missing out on the conversation a little^^; But the way he described that scene in the bar, I could picture it in my head, he did a really good job;) What I really thought was interesting though was how he described his way of operating with other characters in a role; in effect, he's saying he's bound by the role, and he has to depend on others if he's in a passive state. That must be kind of stressful, having to trust that the other person will give you the response you need to construct your role...:S Yet somehow he always manages to pull off an amazing performance. But I really liked his last thought, it was incredibly profound. To me that proves his modesty isn't just an act; in his own serious-minded way he's trying to move towards his lofty goals, and it reminds me of Socrates' quote 'knowledge is knowing how little you know'. I admire his drive to succeed, and it really seems like he has a good idea of how to get there...despite how he says that he's just floundering like the rest of us. Maybe that's just how we all are thouhg; some of us look like we have all the answers, but I'm sure we're all just struggling along, admiring someone else...maybe that's what life is, struggling along with your dreams and inspirations until you find something inside of yourself you never knew was there. And it gives me even more of a feeling like someday he might move towards directing himself...:3 I look forward to seeing more^^
Also...I went a little crazy with my cameraXD I finally got around to taking some pictures of some of my Japan souvenirs=)
First of all, great news: my slippers finally came! On Tueday too, I was so happyX3 So now my toes have been all nice and toasty for days, and when it goes down to -50 I'll have something cute to keep the chill out:) Here they areXD
Also, I finished the scarf I was crocheting...well, I finished it a week ago, but I kept forgetting to take pictures;P The yarn is a silvery navy kind of satin braid entwined with navy tufted wool, so it looks really texturized (it's not cause I suck! Cause I don't really...;P) The pompoms are my favorite part=)
It keeps me really warm...actually, is a little weird, my scarf keeps me warmer than my coat, so my neck gets a little hot while my waist is chillyXD Oh! And when I was trying to re-download GRA from megaupload, this is what happenedXD
It was bound to happen eventually, by the laws of probability!XP But really, I bet it never occurred to themXD Why me???XD Anyway, on to the souvenirs^^ The blue plushie on the left I bought in Nikko, it's a member of the 'healing squad'^^ It's name is Aoi, and on it's tag it says 'believe ne...because your dreams will surely come true'<3 The little cat I got from a gashapon machine at Kaminari-mon, I just love cats:D On the right is a chirimen maki roll from Kyoto;P Yes, cloth sushiXD Anyway, it has kitsch value for me^^
Next, on the left is a little kimono-girl from Kurashiki, near Okayama:D In the middle is a clay cat from Kyoto, and on the right is a little beanbag demon, also from Kyoto^^
On the left is a beautiful clay tea cup I bought near Kiyomizudera in Kyoto:3 I have yet to use it because I don't want to get it dirty though^^; And on the right is a little charm I bought from Nikko, it has the 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil' monkeys on it:) It comes from Buddhism apparently, basically if you don't take in evil you won't give it out either. On the abck it says, 'many many happy things happen, may my dreams come true please':3
Hehe, these ones should be a little more familiarXD On the left is the adorable little squirrel-creature from Nausicaa!<3 I wanted a much bigger one, but it was too expensive and wouldn't fit in my luggage:S I got it at an amazing toy store in Harajuku^^ In the middle is Relakkuma;P Fukada Kyoko had a giant one on Shukudai-kun once, and apaprently Hikki has one too:D This I won from a gashapon in Akihabara (I was actually trying to win Monokuroboo though;P). On the right is a little peach plushie from Okayama, where everything is about peaches because that's where Momotarou, the boy who was born from a peach, is from^^ I also had some really delicious peach dango from there~X3
Next is a plaque of the boddhisattva corresponding to my Chinese zodiac sign, from Touji temple in Kyoto. It's hard to tell but it's really beautifully detailed. I got one for my mother too...but I still haven't mailed it (yes, I'm so bad!XD).
Something that makes me irrationally happy, an Omikuji from Sensouji:D These are the fortunes that you get by shaking a metal canister full of wooden sticks until just one comes out, then the number on the stick corresponds to a little drawer with your fortune in it. There are a hundred possible fortunes...and I got DaiKichi! That means 'best luck':3 As you can see here, it's all very positive, although the translation is not the best^^;
Finally, my favorites, the Omamori:3 These are those charms you buy from shrines for good luck and protection...the one at the very top, the big one, is for doing well in your studies (haven't used it yet, saving it for when I really need it>_<), the little navy one is for good luck on tests, both from Toudaiji in Nara^^ I'm going to take the little navy one with me to my exams, although I'm a little worried the bell on it will annoy people^^; And the small one on the left is from Kiyomizudera in Kyoto, and it's for Happinness<3 It's so silly that I'm fond of these superstitions...I was telling a friend yesterday and she asked me if I really believe in them, and I said yes and no. I like the idea, and I want to believe that they are real...whether they are or not, I choose to overlook;) So I have my Happinness charm, and I hope that someday I will really be able to be happy, or at least keep the little happinnesses I have now and grow them into something beautifulX3
Anyways, that's enough of my rambling, this post is a monster already;P But good luck with all of your various pursuits, keep going strong!:) Just like they say in Carry On, 'no matter what rain lets up, a rainbow will be born'<3...