I did the survey through SurveyMonkey. With a free account you can make a 10 question survey and recieve up to 100 respondents, which was enough for my purposes.
Both me and a friend in the class are interested in looking at what kinds of works attract what kinds of people. Many of the Nabari fans I know are some kind of queer, so I wondered if the rest of the fandom was like that or just the pocket I was in. Turns out it is sort of all over, which I think is pretty nifty.
And yeah, the rest of it is fairly obvious if you now the fandom relatively well. But it is always nice to see hypotheses confirmed and that's pretty much what these graphs do for me.
Comments 6
The graphs I made on Microsoft Word 2010.
Good luck on your study!
Well, try taking the spaces out of these links:
http ://i40 .tinypic. com/344f6du .jpg
http ://i42 .tinypic. com/35jxy4h .jpg
I'm surprised you conducted a survey on the sexuality of the participants. It's not a bad thing of course, it's just something new I've seen.
Everything else isn't so new to me, but I'm glad that others in the fandom have had a positive experience.
Looking forward to rest of your work :)
And yeah, the rest of it is fairly obvious if you now the fandom relatively well. But it is always nice to see hypotheses confirmed and that's pretty much what these graphs do for me.
Thanks for reading!
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