Title: The Crazy Misadventures of the Callaway Brothers Pt3
Genre: Drama/Adventure/Friendship/Humor/Angst and pretty much anything in between as the chapters progress.
Characters/Pairing(s): G. House, J. Wilson/ Extreme Friendship
Spoilers/Warnings: post-series finale. Mild cursing, drug-use and adult situations. (In some chapters)
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Comments 2
I also love the bit where Wilson wants to give up! Lines like: "Let's just get to the top of the hill today and tomorrow you can go back to being sick and dying and I can go back to not stealing pills and managing my pain like a reasonable adult…" and "I was thinking I would just roll you down the hill and use you as a human sled…"
are soooo very House. Exactly what I'd imagine him to say!!
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