Title: The Crazy Misadventures of the Callaway Brothers Pt10
Genre: Drama/Adventure/Friendship/Humor/Angst and pretty much anything in between as the chapters progress. Characters/Pairing(s): G. House, J. Wilson/ Extreme Friendship
Spoilers/Warnings: post-series finale. Mild cursing, drug-use and adult situations. (In some chapters)
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Comments 7
I loved how you "made" Wilson go back and take care of House after he ODed woth Oxy and Scotch. On the other side, if he washed MY whisky down the drain he'd never have gotten the chance to die of natural causes...
This was absolutely heartbreaking. You did a great job with Wilson's final days, keeping them both IC through the end. Loved the back-and-forth between the past and present, too. Wonderfully done.
*goes off to find more tissues*
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