Sentient Icons: Gintama

Jan 28, 2007 12:36

I got bored so I started working on a Gintama sentient_icons set. If you're reading this, you should go work on one too. Oh, and you should go join animanga_lims while you're at it. You get a paid account plus extra userpics if you win so go join. :D

Series: Gintama
Icons completed: 9/25
Resources: Here
Challenge for sentient_icons 12/3/2006/: Euphoric, frustration, indifference, mischief, pessimism, seriousness, surprise, thoughtful, tranquility
Anger Angst Anxiety Craziness Desire

Determination Energetic Euphoric Excitement Fear

Frustration Happiness Indifference Jealousy Mischief

Nonsensical Optimism Pessimism Sadness Satisfaction

Seriousness Surprise Tension Thoughtful Tranquility

Surprise #2 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Please comment and credit if you take any icons! Thanks for looking~

gintama, manga, sentient_icons

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