Yay, this is my first icon post! These icons range from when I first started making icons last July to now. If you take an icon, please comment and credit either nyansha or nyaabo in the icon keywords/comments. I would also appreciate if you specify which icons you're taking so I know what kind of icons people like. Please enjoy! :D
Air Gear [+1]
Black Cat [+8]
D.Gray-man [+3]
Death Note [+1]
Dogs [+9]
Final Fantasy VII [+4]
Peace Maker Kurogane [+3]
Radiata Stories [+1]
Vagabond [+1]
Valkyrie Profile [+3]
X/1999 [+1]
Xenogears [+2]
Yakitate!! Japan [+1]
Total icons: 43
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