Title: Swish for a sigh
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: PG
Word count: 368
Disclaimer: They belong to JKR firstly, and each other secondly.
Warnings: Features wolf!Remus, but no bestiality.
Summary: Remus wants to be scratched behind the ears.
Without his Wolfsbane Potion, Remus Lupin tended to be a particularly vicious werewolf who had a certain tendency for thigh bones. Therefore, it was rather thankfully that Remus had taken his potion this month, and resembled something more like an oversized, frolicking puppy at the moment instead. The 'swish-swish-swish-swish' sound on the carpet refused to stop, as Remus planted himself firmly on the carpet and incessantly wiggled his tail so that it brushed the carpet with that 'swish' sound. He waited patiently.
Seated comfortably on the end of the sofa, Severus Snape turned the page of the potion book he was holding up high, so that he could pretend not to have seen Remus. The only sign that he knew that the other man (in wolf form, of course) was there at all was that left eyebrow, which twitched irritably. The book was raised to hide that too. However, the wolf proved to be very patient, and the soft 'swish-swish' of fur across carpet continued. The sound ground on Snape's nerves.
It was a long evening. Very long. In fact, when Snape looked up, utterly not focusing on his book, thinking that he might retire to bed, he was greatly disgruntled to see that only six and a half minutes had passed since he had last glanced at the damn clock. He sighed, closed the book shut with a loud snap, and slammed it onto the coffee table with great relish. "Fine," he declared somewhat sulkily, eyeing the wolf who was still there, 'swish-swish'ing away. "You win," Snape conceded with a scowl, leaning back into the sofa and raising a hand to the furry head, "You and your damn furry ears," he grumbled.
Severus scratched behind Remus' ears, and the wolf panted. Snape grunted non-comitally, but when he tried to take his hand away, Remus whined at him. He sighed again, but didn't stop. Those 'damn furry ears' twitched in a way that made Severus smile... somewhat. Very briefly. He curled his long fingers around the ears, and rubbed them.
As the wolf lolled his head on Snape's thigh and drooled quite contentedly over his robes, Snape sighed yet again, and continued to scratch Remus behind the ears.