sparkly-cherry. Just because. ♥
Title: Snow Angels
Pairing: Yuumi/MiYuu
Rating: G. Fluffeh.
Notes: <3
Mizuki had decided quite firmly that Yuuta was honestly bonkers, and clutched at his fluffy purple beanbag as the younger boy tried to wrestle him off. "It'll be fun," Yuuta said, for once not the unwilling party. "You're not a wimp, are you?"
His senpai glowered spectacularly at him and tugged a lock of unruly hair rebelliously. "It'll be cold, you mean. And cold does not equal fun. I'm not a wimp, Yuuta-kun. I'm warm, I'm sane, and I'm happy. I'm not trampling outside with you just because your mind recedes to that of a four-year-old whenever you see some artistically frozen water." He hunkered down onto his cuddly beanbag and took up the thick volume of 'War and Peace'.
Yuuta, more hurt than he showed, stopped trying to pull Mizuki up, his smile falling off. "Oh. Alright. I'll go find Atsushi-senpai and see if he wants to go out... Have fun with Leo Tolstoy..." Yuuta tramped dejectedly out of the room, all geared up in hat, gloves and scarf, as Mizuki waved him goodbye with a negligent flip of the hand.
* * *
It was less than fifteen minutes later when Mizuki's blue hair emerged from the thick book. Tolstoy was difficult at the best of times, and even more so when his mind was not concentrating on the book, but rather the delighted squeals and boyish yells occasionally sifting in to his second floor dorm room.
Rolling off the beanbag with a complete lack of grace that Mizuki would rather die than display in front of anyone else, the boy wandered over to his window, peering out after having delicately wiped the condensation off it. Seemed like Yuuta had managed to drag the rest of the tennis team regulars out and then some. He looked for a spiky haired head out of habit, and found it; the hat of earlier now sat on a snowman's head, happily soaking up chilly water. Yuuta's scarf had become unlooped, and was hanging precariously off one shoulder. His cheeks were pink, his breath came out in shots of steam, and he looked as though he was having the time of his life.
Mizuki bit his lip, and then sighed and opened the window. A blast of cold air immediately shot in, and Mizuki shivered, reminded all over again of why he hated winter and the cold in general. In one quick motion, he scooped up all the snow on his window ledge into one compact ball (and grimaced - it was grimy grey snow, and cold) and flung it with unerring accuracy.
Yuuta looked up, startled, as whiteness exploded all over him. He glanced up to see Mizuki, leaning his head on his hands and elbows on the window ledge, looking amusedly down at him. "Mizuki-san!" He waved, "Come on down!" He smiled brightly, "It's really fun!"
Mizuki shook his head, and called down, "No! It's cold!" He head retracted from the window, and he shut it firmly. As the glass slid over his view of Yuuta, he saw the boy, the smile having slipped off his face, his head still upturned to looka t Mizuki. This time, the older boy say the disappointment as someone pulled Yuuta away. He wrapped his arms around himself and frowned. Yuuta had really wanted him to go down and muck around like kids in the snow, hadn't he? He sighed. Stuff Tolstoy. He gathered a few things, and set off down the hall.
When Yuuta came back inside, he was chatting to his friends, slushy hat retrieved, ears, cheeks and nose pink with the cold. The various boys separated off as the group passed their respective dorm rooms, and Yuuta was left traipsing up to his. He furrowed his forehead, as the door was ajar, and the light already on. Surely he hadn't left it on since before going to Mizuki-san's room to do homework several hours before going outside? He blinked, and paused just inside the room, as something big, soft and warm suddenly enveloped him. Mm, nice. "You are going to catch a cold. And then when are you going to be during my morning training sessions? In bed, you inconsiderate brat," chided a far too familiar voice. Yuuta frowned, rather confused. He blinked a bit, and then swivelled around in a little waddling motion. Mizuki didn't give him much of a choice of what to do though, really. He simply bundled the younger boy away onto the squishy blue beanbag which matched the purple one in Mizuki's room, pulled the warmed duvet more tightly around Yuuta and shoved a mug of hot chocolate into his kouhai's hands. Then he stood, looming over the other boy, with his hands on his hips.
Mizuki glared down at the little snug bundle that was Yuuta. "Well?" He demanded, "aren't you going to drink it before it gets cold?" Yuuta quickly obeyed, finding it just the right temperature, and creamy. Mizuki touched the other boy's cheek with the back of his hand. "Freezing," he declared disgruntledly, sprawling onto the carpet next to Yuuta and firmly wrapping his arms around him, pressing himself close to Yuuta. He softly kissed the younger boy on the cheek, skin raw from the outside wind.
Apology. I'm sorry. Be happy for me?
Yuuta blushed a little. "Th- thanks for everything, Mizuki-san." He gestured at the beanbag, the duvet, the drink, the hug.
Apology accepted. I know you care really.
Yuuta could feel Mizuki's warmth even through the duvet. He leaned into it, and felt Mizuki hold him tighter. He sipped the chocolate, turned his head, and smiled. Mizuki let out a 'nfu' sound, gesturing at the chocolate moustache on his lip; the beanbag shifted a bit as the older boy leaned over to lick it off and smile back at him. Yuuta was warm, comfortable and happy. His boyfriend leaned over again, to give him kisses, warm and sweet and just enough moisture. He could understand why Mizuki-san liked the warmth instead. He was still going to get that blue-hair sprawled out on the ground in a snow angel though.
"I still haven't finished my Japanese homework yet."
"It was your fault for rushing out as soon as you saw snow. We'll do it later."
Yuuta rested his head sideways on Mizuki's chest, and the latter ran his hand repeatedly through the other boy's short hair. "You know, I'm going to come out with you for a bit tomorrow. You really are going to catch a cold if you don't have someone to look after you."