It's not a myth! Girton really does have black squirrels! They're apparently only found in Canada, the US... and Girton.
Google provides a
better picture (taken in Girton village, I think), to convince you that they really exist.
There was a grey squirrel hopping about at the time, so we could tell it really was black and not just dark grey. It appeared on Saturday and Sunday. I'm hoping there's a whole tribe of them somewhere in the trees outside my window.
Term is in full swing again, though it's a bit odd that I've not really had any work to do yet. We seem to be stuck in the lab for most of the time. Today was a bit scary because we were using all the new equipment, even if it did look incredibly silly for balloons to be attached to everyone's experiments. Tomorrow, assuming today's stuff went right, I have to do another reaction that involves cutting up lots of sodium metal. I'm not sure if I can cope with that after another morning's frustrating stuck-on-busy-road-with-idiot-fresher-cyclists*. Red lights apply to you too! Gaaaargh... At least I will be able to sleep through calm down during the morning Theoretical Chemistry lectures.
l_j_b, we have to actually meet up at some point. I still haven't seen you this term! Tis my fault for going to the Geologists' Ceilidh and not Corruption, sorry.
*perhaps that's a bit harsh. A lot of the idiot cyclists aren't freshers.