Kinda Normal Update Sorta...

Jun 17, 2007 23:42

So this update will sorta be shortish and will contain a meme...coz its one i did ages ago but didnt get much of a response...and i want more of a response now coz it will be fun and will rock...

Have my final 2 exams this week, thank god. Will be good to get them over and done with. Have journalism on Wednesday which is my most important one, and ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

umbreons_shadow June 17 2007, 14:39:14 UTC
Take a photo of the camera going up your nose, like a 'nose hair' shot! *grin*


umbreons_shadow June 17 2007, 14:39:50 UTC
Oh and I demand a photo of your eyes. I'm obsessed with looking at eyes.


pixplz kthxbai a_lil_spaz June 18 2007, 00:19:14 UTC
As many things of one colour as you can find!


manson69freak June 18 2007, 14:15:18 UTC
erm. the draw you keep your undies in! if you keep undies in a draw.
and and and... a photo of whats under your bed.
and... the messiest place in your house! :D
and you dressed up as a chick! which you wont do. lol.


nyc_55david June 18 2007, 14:16:59 UTC
well first of all there is nothing under my bed...coz i cant have anything under it coz it has no space under it...

and there are already pics of me as a lesbian on my deviantart page...cant be fucked looking for them so u can!, somewhere in my gallery...probably around this time last year...


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