On The Outside
Name: Joseph, Joe, Hoebag, JoeJoe
Birth date: 03/26/1984
Birthplace: Jamaica, Queens
Eye Color: Blue, Green - They change.
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'
On The Inside
Your heritage: 100% Italian
Shoes you wore today: My loverly Adidas
Your weakness(es): Nice smiles, big ears, 6-pack ;)
Your fears: death, heights, spiders
Your perfect pizza: plain
Goals you'd like to achieve: Eventually to get my Doctorate of Education (Ed.D) in Social Studies
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your most overused phrase on AIM: mother fucker, lol
Your thoughts first waking up: 'I can sleep for 15 more mintues'
Your best physical feature: Eyes, Hair
Your bedtime: 2-3ish
Your most missed memory: My Aunt, My Grandmothers, My Godmother
Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: burger king
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: Adidas, I dont wear no fucking Nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Neastea: Lipton, they make Green Tea
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: Both
Do You?
Smoke: no
Cuss: a fucking lot
Sing: When drivingHave a crush: yea
Think you've been in love: Sadly I have, I wasted it.
Like high school: Only parts of it, Photography to be particualr
Want to get married: yes
Believe in yourself: Not entirely
Get motion sickness: Not particularly
Think you're a health freak: Sometimes
Get along with your parents: Yes.
Play an instrument: I used to play trumpet and piano, want to learn guitar.
In the past month have you...
Drank alcohol: No
Gone to the movies: yes
Gone to the mall: I work at the mall
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope
Eaten sushi: no
Been on stage: no
Been dumped: no
Gone skating: no
Gone skinny dipping: no
Dyed your hair: no
Stolen anything: no
have you ever?
Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
Been caught "doing something": yes
Been called a blonde: Me? Unlikely
Gotten beaten up: By siblings, other than that i've been in fights but never beaten up
Shoplifted: Yes
Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: 30
Numbers and Names of Children: 2 - Boy named Alexander so I can call him Lex, hahaha. And a girl Named Georgia so I can call her George ALA 'dead like me'
Describe your dream wedding: Most people say beach, but I fucking hate the sand and the heat.I'd say a hill/cliff top overlooking the water
How do you want to die: I dont want to think about it
What do you want to be when you grow up: Teacher Extraordinaire
What country would you most like to visit: Australia, UK, Italy
In The Numbers...
Number of people I could trust with my life: 0
Number of CDs that I own: like 20
Number of piercings: 1
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper: 0
Number of scars on my body: too many
Number of things in my past that I regret:Again too many