(big picture, sorry.)
Miss me?
I don't know if want to know what you're thinking or saying right now. Shh.
When you start from zero, you have nothing to lose. It feels nice to not have to strain to impress anymore. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off me now that i know i can just act myself. I admit, there are still some points where i will say nothing when i'm dying to spill my heart out. But we'll let those moments just slide by for now. I'm getting better though, trust me. I just didn't expect to have everything that i imagined wouldn't happen, happen all at once. I honestly don't think i'm strong enough to deal with it all. Sounds pathetic, i know, but i'm thinking i should just back away from the situation. I keep thinking, if i leave it alone.. it will just go away. I have a bad feeling that i couldn't be more wrong.
But.. i'm happy? I'm happy. More good then bad. Life is good? yes.