I went to the dinner tonight at church and it went pretty well. When I got there Vince was at the sign in table and said hi to me and after I signed in he introduced me to some people. One couple he introduced me to was someone Dr B introduced me to this morning and they invited me to sit with them. One of the reasons I went to this thing was to meet the people who do Life Groups but most of the groups are winding down the summer, but it just so happens the group Cindy and her husband Mike are in is continuing through the summer. Basically these Life Groups are a bible study, support group, volunteer group and just a way to develop relationships with others in the church. Also this past Thursday when the group met they were discussing bringing in someone new and there I was looking for a group. I like Cindy and Mike, they are friendly and introduced me to even more people.
I don't know how many people said they hadn't seen me in church....I told them I'm the person that shows up right before the service and then leaves as soon as it's over. The main reason being feeling awkward. Today was the first day I hung around and that was only because I went to lunch with Dr B and her family.
Busy day but good day. Now for the bad, I can't decide if I'm dealing with allergies or coming down with a cold. I'm thinking it's allergies related to my a/c because there is a goldenrod weed right by the outside unit that I've been avoiding cutting down because me and goldenrod don't get along. I'm assuming the air blowing out the vents in my house is coming in via the unit outside.