Mathew Aiden Kishbach
May 30th, 2005 [Memorial Day!]
2:32 AM
7 lb, 7 oz
21.5 inches long
Sorry this is so late but I have lost the internet at my house and I am using a friend's computer. I started having contractions on May 29th, which was my due date. They were about 10 minutes apart from the beginning, and I decided I should get some sleep in case it was the real thing. So I went to bed, but every time I had a contraction I woke up. So I semi-slept in until 11 in the morning, and decided to call Labor and Delivery because my contractions were getting stronger but not closer. They told me I could come in if I wanted but I didn't really need to. So I waited and waited and waited and they didn't get any closer together. Around 9:45 that night, I decided to just go to the hospital because they contractions were really intense. They monitored me for 1/2 an hour and then did an internal to see where I was. I was 5 cm's dialated, 80% effaced, and -1 station so they admitted me, broke my water, and ordered my epidural. The epidural seemed to take forever to get there but when it did, it was like heaven. The baby was moving around too much, so they had to put an internal monitor on his head to keep track of his heartrate and I had to have oxygen for about an hour or 2. At 2:25am I felt alot of pressure and the nurse checked me and said I was ready to push. They went and woke my doctor up [ she was napping ], got everything set up for the baby and I started pushing. I started pushing before the doctor even got there and 10 minutes later Mathew Aiden was here! The doc placed him on my stomach and he was screaming and purple-ish and smelled funny from all the blood and fluid, it was kinda gross lol. But then they cleaned him up and brought him back over to me and I fed him. I think he is one of the most beautiful babies in the world, lol but all mothers do. :)
And at his one week check up he was 8 lb, 2 oz. He had gained a pound from when he was discharged!
Here's his hospital pi, the only picture I have of him so far...:
Yet again, sorry it took so long!! :\