Haylee Mahree Engleman 12:59 pm, Oct. 3rd. 5lbs., 9 oz. 17 inches long Beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. Brandyhad to have a c-section because her heartrate dropped to almost nothing and the baby was in distress, but they're both okay now and should be home soon. She's one of the cutest babies I've ever seen haha. :O)
Just a quick update. Mackydoodle started rice cereal Saturday, and he loves it. He's growing so fast! I borrowed "White Noise" from my bro last night...and it scared the shit out of me! I had some crazy nightmares. *<3*
Haha, I made 2 new icons for myself. Woopty woo. I got a new []> [] []> E for my bday. It's glass, and inside is water and gold shimmery stuff and when you shake it up, it makes neat swirly designs. Can't wait to try that out. I have a headache and I pulled a muscle in my back. I have decided that I hate everyone. K, bye now. <3love<3