// series one - about you
* Full name: Erin Kathryn Hallion
* Birth date: 10-13
* Birthplace: Mount Kisco, NY
* Current Location: Carmel.
* Eye Color: Blue
* Hair Color: Blonde.
* Righty or Lefty: Righty
* Zodiac Sign: Libra
* Innie or Outtie: Innie
// series two - describe
* Your heritage: Irish, Russian, English...And other stuff most probably.
* The shoes you wore today: Black Roos
* Your hair: Purple.
* Your weakness: Romance
* Your fears: Rubber Bands being pointed at me >.<
* Your perfect pizza: Some dough,sauce and cheese
* One thing you'd like to achieve: :shrug:
// series three - what is
* Your most overused phrase: Werd.
* Your thoughts first waking up: Damnit....I woke up again.
* The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes?
* Your best physical feature: I dunno. You tell me.
* Your bedtime: My mom thinks that my bedtime is 10 30. Hah
* Your greatest accomplishment: I dont think I have any.
* Your most missed memory: Being a little tot.
// series four - you prefer
* Pepsi or coke: Pepsi
* McDonald's or Burger King: Micky D;s
* Single or group dates: Both.
* Adidas or Nike: Roos.
* Lipton Ice Tea or nestea: Nestea
* Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
* Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
* Boxers or briefs: Boxers all the way.
// series five - do you
* Cuss: No. Mother Fucking Bitch.
* Sing well: Nope
* Take a shower everyday: Yes'm
* Have a crush(s): Nope
* Who are they: Your MOM.
* Do you think you've been in love: Naw.
* Want to go to college: Only to get away from Carmel.
* Like high school: Its better then Middle school
* Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Nope.
* Believe in yourself: Not Especially
* Get motion sickness: Nope
* Think you're a health freak: the opposite.
* Get along with your parents: eh..
* Like thunderstorms: Fuck yes
* Play an instrument: Sortof?
// series six - in the past month, did/have you
* Drank alcohol: Just a wee bit.
* Done a drug: No
* Have Sex: No
* Made Out: A little over a month
* Go on a date: Nope
* Go to the mall: Yup
* Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Nope.
* Eaten sushi: Nope
* been on stage: Nope
* Been dumped: Nope
* Gone skating: Nope
* Made homemade cookies: Nope
* Been in love: Nope
* Gone skinny dipping: Nope
* Dyed your hair: Yep.
* Stolen anything: Heh, yep.
// series seven - have you ever
* Played a game that required removal of clothing: Naw.
* If so, was it mixed company: ...
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope.
* Been caught "doing something": Nope.
* Been called a tease: Hahaha, yea.
* Gotten beaten up: Nope.
* Changed who you were to fit in: Not purposly.
// series eight - the future
* Age you hope to be married: 62.4
* Numbers and Names of Children: 2. I dunno names, I forget.
* Describe your Dream Wedding: I always wanted to get married on the beach.
* Where you want to go to college: FIT
* What do you want to be when you grow up: Someone fun.
* What country would you most like to visit: NZ hobbiton.
// series nine - opposite (or same) sex
* Best eye color: Bright green is quite pretty. Blue is so cliche.
* Best hair color: :shrug:
* Short or long hair: :shrug:
* Best height: Taller then me. Thats all I need.
* Best articles of clothing: Em?
* Best first date location: :shrug:
* Best first kiss location: See above
// series ten - number of
* Number of girls I have kissed in my life: None.
* Number of boys I have kissed: Heh, 3.
* Number of drugs taken illegally: None.
* Number of people I could trust with my life: Eh. 1.
* Number of CDs that I own: About 1.
* Number of piercings: 1
* What are they: Belly Ring.
* Number of tattoos:I want oneeeee
* What are they: :shrug:
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Alot. I dont count em. Alot are from when I was wittle.
* Number of scars on my body: 4 major ones.
Im sick of people saying "You should already know this" "We already learned that" "You know that" Teachers specifically. Its happened to me constantly today.