So, I've been using old beer half-cases for storing/hauling bottles around, and they're getting kinda ratty. I decided to do something about it, and make myself a half-case that's a little more...hardy.
Dude, no laughing here. It's great! What a good idea. Sooo much better than cardboard. You know... I'm totally volunteering Scott to woodburn you're Runemark mark into them.
Very nice job, and I would be honored to relief carve and burn your logo into it.
If you make another and you want to avoid nails or screws, we can route the lower edges of the sides and create around the lower inside perimeter. The bottom would not have to be secured, as it would be wedged into the base, like the bottom of a drawer.
Comments 11
How did you secure the bottom? I don't see any joints down there.
Seriously, it looks fantastic :) Honestly, I did laugh, but I laughed at you, not at your box (or is that what he said...?)
If you make another and you want to avoid nails or screws, we can route the lower edges of the sides and create around the lower inside perimeter. The bottom would not have to be secured, as it would be wedged into the base, like the bottom of a drawer.
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