Title: Finding Purpose (20/?)
Author: Nytel
Rating: R
Spoilers: Up to 213 (Epiphanies)
Pairing: Kara/Lee
Genre: Angst/Romance
Summary: When your whole life gets flipped upside down, you need to find a reason to go on.
Word Count: 2,909
Beta: The amazing
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Comments 27
Great Job,
I'm not exactly sure how he's going to meddle yet either. Lol. Guess I should figure that out. :)
And uh yeah!! That would be a very good idea! lol *shakes head* Silly, silly girl. ;)
I've looked back over the chapters and it just completely floored me that Lee and Kara haven't hooked up yet in the entire fic. You write them so close and so intimately that it *seems* like they would have, but they haven't. It's really sweet, that it's based on a deep affection, instead of just lust. I like it a lot. :)
Love ya :)
Thank gods someone is finally helping the two of them get together since they seem to be too pigheaded to do it for themselves.
--Lol. Yes, they need that initial push. ;)
I've looked back over the chapters and it just completely floored me that Lee and Kara haven't hooked up yet in the entire fic. You write them so close and so intimately that it *seems* like they would have, but they haven't. It's really sweet, that it's based on a deep affection, instead of just lust. I like it a lot. :)
--*beams* Thank you. That's really what the fic is based on. Sometimes I can't believe I've gone through 20 chapters without having them hook up. It may be a record! Lol.
As soon as I can manage. We'll see when that actually is though. Damn university finals. Grrr. Lol.
Lee's need to track Kara down no matter how tired he is.
Rubbing her back and tucking her in.
Wanting to tell her how he feels but being Lee...can't because she's too important to lose as his best friend.
Lee being frazzled over the flight schedule...and Kara fixing it.
Rubbing her feet and letting her steal his coffee...especially when he really wants two full days of sleep.
And Zak. I really, truly LOVE how you woven him into this. Like noodles. (Um...you know the ones that are like pizza on Galactica)
Rubbing her back and tucking her in.
--I couldn't resist the temptation of all that sweetness!
Wanting to tell her how he feels but being Lee...can't because she's too important to lose as his best friend.
--*g* But we love him anyway. ;)
Lee being frazzled over the flight schedule...and Kara fixing it.
--Thanks. I like Kara being there for Lee, because then it doesn't seem one sided.
And Zak. I really, truly LOVE how you woven him into this. Like noodles. (Um...you know the ones that are like pizza on Galactica)
--Yay for noodles!! I actually hadn't intended on using him as matchmaker, but it works, so I went with it. :D
The fact that Zak can see it so clearly in such a short time is the proof. So I heartily approve of Zak playing matchmaker. I can't wait *rubs hands with glee*
I really LOVED that we got so much K/L interaction this chapter. They are perfect together and I feel like I should start knitting booties for all the beautiful children they're going start making!!
Loved it :)
--*g* They totally do. :D
The fact that Zak can see it so clearly in such a short time is the proof.
So I heartily approve of Zak playing matchmaker. I can't wait *rubs hands with glee*
--I can't wait either. *rubs hands too*
I really LOVED that we got so much K/L interaction this chapter. They are perfect together and I feel like I should start knitting booties for all the beautiful children they're going start making!!
--I figured there wasn't much in the last few chapters so I should pile it on. It was lots of fun too. ;) Start knitting! Lol.
Thanks for the feedback!
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