Top 5 meme answers. Warning: Not dial-up friendly.
Top 5 On-Air TV Shows - from
isisnancy 5. Private Practice
I had a hard time picking number 5 on this one. It was basically a tie between Private Practice and Bones. But Bones... well, I can't say I was all that impressed with most of the latest season. Parts of it, yes, but definitely not all. Plus, Private Practice is a show that I just always enjoy watching. I'm not super into it, but I enjoy it, and that's what counts.
4. Castle
Uhm, Nathan Fillion. Enough said. *g* Also, I love Alexis something fierce.
3. How I Met Your Mother
This whole show is awesome, but what makes it one step up from awesome (apart from NPH) is all the Canada jokes/references. HIMYM FTW!
2. The Big Bang Theory
I'm a true nerd at heart, of course this is near the top of my list.
1. Dollhouse
Joss Whedon is a god. What else can I say? *g*
Top 5 Off-Air TV Shows - from
artemis_905. Gilmore Girls
Again, just a show that I always enjoyed watching. I didn't follow it religiously, and I haven't even seen all of the episodes, but it's a fun show.
4. Stargate SG-1
My first true TV obsession. I loved the early seasons, and I even grew to love the late seasons. There will always be a place for Stargate in my heart.
3. Stargate Atlantis
When this show first came out I was determined to not watch it, because I was sure it couldn't be nearly as good as SG-1. I was wrong. Although I ended up hating the last bunch of episodes, over all the show was still amazing. Plus it inspired me to do a lot of writing, which is never a bad thing.
2. Firefly
Again, Joss is a god.
1. Battlestar Galactica
Is anyone actually surprised by this? ;) The best show ever on television by far. I know there are lots of people out there who didn't like how it ended, and although I didn't necessarily love it, it's still the best damn show ever. My standards for BSG were set so ridiculously high. But the best part about this show was the fandom. I met so many awesome people, and close friends, that there is just nothing I can regret about it.
Top 5 Movies - from
z_janinaTop 5 movies is hard, because there are so many that I really like. So I decided to choose 5 that I either have watched several times, or ones that I can see myself watching over and over again without getting bored.
5. Dancer, Texas Pop. 81
I just watched this one for the first time last weekend. It was cute, and funny. It's not a typical Hollywood movie, and that might be part of what made me fall in love with it.
4. Robin Hood: Men in Tights
One of the funniest movies I've ever seen. :)
3. The Proposal
My new favorite romantic comedy. I was laughing so hard in the theater that I cried. And I went to see it twice in the theater, very unheard of for me.
2. Serenity
Joss is a god. No, Joss is God, period.
1. A Dog's Breakfast
David Hewlett is brilliant. There is nothing I didn't love about this movie. *happy sigh*
Top 5 Unhealthy Snack Foods That Don't Involve Chocolate - from
brokenmnemonicOkay, so as I was brainstorming for this, I realized just how many of my favorite snack foods have chocolate. Lol. But I did manage to come up with 5 that are chocolate free. :)
5. Wine Gums
4. Starbucks
3. Candied Salmon
2. Brie & Crackers
1. Spinach Dip
I'm going to try and get the rest of these Top 5 answers up this weekend. They're a lot of fun. :)
Top 5 Big Bang Theory Penny moments
Top 5 movie villains you love to hate
Top 5 things to do in the Antarctic
Top 5 movie quotes
Top 5 Sheldon moments
Top 5 fiction books
Top 5 favorite science moments
I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. :D