Top 5 Penny, and Top 5 Sheldon Moments

Sep 02, 2009 08:10

As the second part to my Top 5 meme...

Top 5 Penny Moments - requested by brokenmnemonic

5. The Bat Jar Conjecture (113)
Penny: "Okay. Tweety Bird tawt he taw a what?"
Sheldon: *looks at Leonard - they nod their heads* "Romulan."
Penny (sarcastically): "Yes, he tawt he taw a Romulan."

4. The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition (219)
Penny: "Okay lady, you are way outta line."
Alicia: "Oh, I’m outta line?"
Penny: "Yeah. You’re outta line."
Alicia: "Well, what are you gonna do about it... bitch."

3. The Panty Pinata Polarization (207)
Penny: "Leonard, remember when I said it was on? Now it’s junior rodeo on."
Leonard: "Aww... not junior rodeo..."

2. The Monopolar Expedition (223)
Penny: "Well, I got you a little going away present."
Leonard: "Ah... a blanket"
Penny: "Oh, no, no, no. Not just a blanket. See? It has sleeves!"

1. The Cooper Hofstadter Polarization (109)
Penny: "Howard, would you like to explain to me why your facebook page has a picture of me sleeping on your shoulder, captioned ‘Me and my girlfriend’?"
Howard: "Uh oh. Here comes the talk."


Top 5 Penny Moments - requested by cattm

5. The Middle Earth Paradigm (106)
Penny’s friend: "What are you supposed to be?"
Sheldon: "Me? I’ll give you a hint. Neeeuummmm."
Penny’s friend: *laughs* "A choo-choo train?"
Sheldon: "Close! Neeuummmm."
Penny’s friend: "A brain damaged choo-choo train?"

4. The Maternal Capacitance (215)
Sheldon: "So what do you think?"
Beverly: "I’m very tempted. I’m just not sure it’s appropriate with my son’s roommate."
Sheldon: "Normally I’d feel the same way. But based on everything I’ve observed about us I can’t help but speculate we’d be very good together."
Beverly: "True, I’ve had a similar observation. Certainly something I could never do with my husband."
Sheldon: "I was hesitant the first time I tried it, but I experienced an unanticipated and remarkable release of endorphins. It’s quite satisfying."

3. The Euclid Alternative (205)
Sheldon: "Now, how do you propose I get home?"
Leonard: "How did you get here in the first place?"
Sheldon: "Penny, but I sense that’s no longer and option..."
Leonard: "Look, I need to get to the laser lab. You’re just going to have to find someone else to take you home."
Sheldon: *turns to look at Howard*
Howard: "Ah, damn, I picked the wrong side."

2. The Griffin Equivalency (204)
Leonard: "And when we go in there, let’s show Raj that we’re happy for him."
Sheldon: "But I’m not."
Howard: "Well, then fake it. Look at me, I could be grinding on the fact that without my stabilizing telescope mount he never would have found that stupid little plump of cosmic schmutz. But I’m bigger than that."
Sheldon: "Fine. What do you want me to do?"
Leonard: "Smile."

1. The Bath Gift Item Hypothesis (211)
Sheldon: "Oh, a napkin."
Penny: *smiles* "Turn it over."
Sheldon: *in shock - he sits down* "To long and prosper... Leonard Nimoy!"

Still to come:
Top 5 movie villains you love to hate
Top 5 things to do in the Antarctic
Top 5 movie quotes
Top 5 fiction books
Top 5 favorite science moments

meme, the big bang theory

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