Title: The Night That Changed All Others
Chapter Title: Chapter 12 - Unexpected (Part 1)
Author: Nytel
Rating: PG-13, (maybe even only PG)
Spoilers: Up to 203 for sure, but very light spoilers, if any, after that.
Summary: Teyla and John spend one night together, and they could never have imagined the series of events that would unfold because of it.
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Comments 5
Also, I'm not sure if you saw but chapter 12 part 2 is up. I'm assuming you've read it, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback.
Teyla falling asleep in his jacket was really sweet too. John obsessing over the kiss! Hee! I'm getting my UST and it's making me damned happy! I really love how they are slowly slipping into the family mold, it's just heart warming, almost makes you forget that the Wraith are back! And obviously congratulations are in order! Second place is not a bad place to be, nope not at all! *big grin* I'm happy for you! And so proud!
But we musn't forget that the wraith are back. Damn wraith. Grr. Lol.
Thanks for the feedback. :)
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