Title: Hot Dogs
nytelFandom: Castle
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Characters/Pairing: Gen (hints of Castle/Beckett)
Word Count: 289
Prompt: Castle & Beckett; hot dogs - from
hondagirllSummary: “Do you know how many times I have cooked hot dogs?"
Disclaimer: They're not mine, I'm just borrowing them for a while.
A/N: Comments are ♥♥♥
It’s been five years since Montgomery was named Captain of the precinct, and to celebrate they’ve decided to hold a potluck lunch. Kate’s in charge of setting up the food and watches as everyone places their contribution on the large table set up in the coffee room. She brings pasta salad, Esposito brings empanadas, Ryan brings brownies and Castle brings…
“Hot dogs?” She asks in astonishment as he pulls the lid off the container. There’s about thirty of them, already cooked and in buns, just sitting there. “You brought hot dogs?”
“Is that a problem, Detective?” He asks sweetly.
She shakes her head. “No, I just… wasn’t expecting hot dogs at a potluck.”
Castle shrugs. “It’s my best dish.”
“What are you talking about, Castle?”
“Do you know how many times I have cooked hot dogs? When I was growing up, I practically lived on them. And let me tell you, I got very good at cooking them. After a couple years of just eating them plain, I began to experiment.”
“Experiment?” She questions, her eyebrow rising of its own accord.
“Yes,” he replies. “Different types of hot dogs, different seasonings, frying them in different types of oil, different herbs in the buns… Trust me, once you try one, you’ll never go back to a plain ol’ hot dog ever again.”
“Okay, Castle. Whatever you say,” she replies, her voice dry with skepticism.
He smiles politely at her before leaving to go round up people for the meal. And later when he’s not looking, she takes one of the hot dogs on her plate and steps out into the hallway to eat it, unable to help her curiosity. Sure enough, it’s the best damn hot dog she’s ever had.