Title: (15) Love Really HurtsPairing: Kyusung, slight! YeHyuk
Genre: Drama, Angst
Summary: Kim Jongwoon or better known as Yesung rarely speaks. What would happen if he crosses paths with Cho Kyuhyun, a bully who seems to hate everyone in the world?
Rating: G
A/N: this is unbeta'd. Keep the errors as a souvenir! Don't kill me yet!
love was a wonderful feeling but he concluded that love really hurts )
Comments 16
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Looking forward to the next one. I hope things turns out to be ok. Or Yesungie just forget about that @$^$@#$@ and find someone else who would treat him better
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Waaahh.. i was just reading this story and u wrote a good story and it has reached the 15th chap ..oh no.. i was late..^^
This story is so mysterious.I couldn't hold myself to know what will happen next and that's what made me to finish it all night..:D . and I think i have dark circle of my eyes bcoz i wondered with this story especially about the past of sungie..hehe..
I love Yechul here..really really love when heebongie became a good brother to our sungie.. :)
And Kyusung i love them but ..aaah why why why this chap so sad..?? :( Its hurt so much.. poor yesung.. :(
I'm curious for next chap and it will be the last chap.., right? oh.. please make happy ending for kyusung, Ok..^^. If not happy end i promise I will terrorize you.. :P
So update soon..^^
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