Oh ye of little patience

Dec 16, 2003 10:43

Taken from hiddenbook

100 facts about me. like you really want to know...
001. Copy and paste this into your journal.
002. Bold the ones you have in common with me.
003. The ones that you don't have in common with me, take out and write something about yourself.
004. Be sure to mention who you got this from.

01. I like old school madonna.
02. i hate that people don't use their turn signals enough.
03. I tend to explode at the smallest, most inane actions
04. I have dyed my hair.
06. I have 2 siblings. (Two sisters. Estrogen-ridden households, oh my)
07. I'm annoyed when people put twelve billion watts of christmas lights on their houses. Get something better to do with your holiday spirit, like boiling yourself in eggnog.
08. I'm simultaneously egotistical and lacking in self confidence.
09. I believe the Inquisition should've burned the concept of romance at the stake. It would've been much better for the future of mankind.
10. I crave passion. (yes, it doesn't match with #9. Fuck off. I can desire passion and hate love)
11. I like the smell of summer.
12. i prefer being warm to cold. You can always go naked.
13. I love popular culture even if I don't quite fit into it.
14. I prefer the metric system and believe America is far behind the intellectual power curve.
15. I put my away messages up sometimes when I'm at the computer because I don't want to talk to anyone.
16. I have never been a patient person.
17. I read books on the history and culture of shopping. My masculine genes have fled.
18. I'm thinking about studying Shinto as a way of life, to the extent of pushing into the aspects of Bushido.
19. I wish espresso beans grew on trees. In my backyard. Pre-toasted. And already coated in chocolate.
20. Sometimes I believe the world revolves around me. Most of the time, I revolve around it.
21. I love the United States. I'd love it more if I were the Dictator of it.
22. I save programs, ticket stubs, and other things (eg. letters and cards), but they're very scattered and I need a *place* for them. (and for silly sentimental reasons.)
23. I watch television shows that have been cancelled because I think my fandom will revive them. And it will. Just watch. Firefly is already going to motion pictures. Worship me.
24. I dislike most people.
25. I think I've matured a lot in the past few years.
26. I miss the military. I miss the routine. I miss having something to do.
27. I collect cats. Really. I have armies of them. Live ones. One day they will help me rule.
28. monkeys and ninjas rule.
29. I want to be famous for being a starfighter pilot. I want to destroy a Death Star.
30. I adore kissing. Just for the hell of it. Before, during and after sex. For celebration, for spite, for pleasure, for pain, for surprises, for sure.
31. I eat sushi. Even the nasty ones (like Philadelphia rolls, I mean, what the fuck are those?)
32. I am addicted to shopping
33. I'm very cynical.
34. I'm pretty lazy sometimes, but I can really get a lot done when I'm motivated.
35. i love my family dearly.
36. i eat too much junk food.
37. I detest modern society but I enjoy individuals as part of it.
38. I both idolize and despise women. This, of course, makes things tricksy.
39. i'd rather spend my money on my friends/family than save it.
40. I need a haircut. I've grown too accustomed to the shorter styles.
41. I wear colors. I even have whole outfits without black in them.
42. I used to be in choir.
43. i simultaneously love and hate not having a job.
44. I like feats. 3rd Edition is better than I expected.
45. reading is fucking fundamental and i couldn't do without it. i love books.
46. I graduated in 1994. (from high school.)
47. i love being a geek.
48. i own too many (color coordinated)dice.
49. I believe in a greater power. I just don't give it a name. Nor do I expect people to share my beliefs (or lack thereof)
50. I like The Simpsons.
51. I love being alone. (and hate it too, sometimes.)
52. I pity people who try to fit into a mold because that is what is expected of them.
53. I love music. (of all kinds!)
54. I rather like watching horror movies. (mostly psychological thrillers.)
55. I like flowers.
56. i want to go to New Orleans (again).
57. I like to feel every emotion. (i've had enough of some, though.)
58. I respect other cultures and, simultaneously, crack jokes about them. What a bastard.
59. i am not afraid of online shopping.
60. I like tatoos, but do not want one of my own.
61. i have something of nicotine addiction.
62. i adore all things star wars.
63. I adore all things Star Trek.
64. I love eating at fancy resturants.
65. i like to own things.
66. I am interested in real emotions. (i'm sick of lies and fake shit.)
67. i like playing dungeons and dragons (and other roleplaying games).
68. I don't hate Bush, Jr. nor do I like him. I do, however, think he needs to learn how to speak english.
69. i really hope that capturing saddam hussein won't get bush re-elected.
70. I was not born without the female shoe-shopping gene.
71. I will not have to give birth.
72. I can make people laugh.
73. i am an agnostic.
74. I love to sing along with music in the car.
75. I eat cute things with carrots on crackers.
76. cats are some of my best friends.
77. I am having issues with myself.
78. I believe in genocide against idiots.
79. i think michael jackson is guilty of molesting children.
80. I love string cheese.
81. I like getting enough sleep.
82. i get a lot of headaches.
83. i love mothra and gamera better than godzilla.
84. i love pinup quotes.
85. i read books more than once. (i.e. i've read Shogun seven times.)
86. i love to watch people wearing corsets.
87. i don't feel pretty in a girlish way very often.
88. I love the night.
89. I read children's books.
90. when i am away from my kitties, i miss them.
91. My children will make their own decisions about God.
92. i can tell stories and jokes fairly well. Usually not with a straight face.
93. I hate tragedy born patriots. I hate vehicles with a dozen flag stickers on the back. I hate seeing the flag outside every store. I didn't serve so I could watch the flag become a post 9/11 sales gimmick. Fuck patriotic capitalists.
94. I hate modern subcultural kids who don't know their roots.
95. Hugs are good unless the other person is creepy.
96. I believe the words 'Under God' are faulty when it comes to the Pledge of Allegiance. The Declaration of Independence said "Nature's God" you arrogant WASP bastards.
97. i need more money.
98. i wish i could give more of myself/funds/etc. to people and charities that are deserving.
99. I don't deeply connect with many people, but the ones i do connect with, i CONNECT with.
100. i wish i were independently wealthy.
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