[ILC06] Bittersweet Chances

Mar 14, 2011 01:04

Rating: PG-13
Pairing: EunHae
Genre: AU!Supernatural, Romance
Disclaimer: I don't own any SuJu member.
Beta: paradigm_twist 
IL/Pairing Assigner: rssj1314 & shadowcrawler12
[Challenge][Y][FF] Summary: His guilt compelled him to accompany the monster he sheltered, but gradually that guilt subsided as another motive to stay emerged.
"Chocolate: the essence of happiness, essential to weight gain." Henry stated as he held a piece in his hand.

Donghae raised an eyebrow as Henry ate another piece of chocolate. "It's more like a remedy from the loss of happiness isn't it?"

Henry gave a light shrug as Donghae reached for a piece from the pile of chocolates that was laid on the table. Instead of eating it, he stared at it thoughtfully. "Maybe he'll like it."

"Who?" Henry asked.

Donghae gave a a small smile. "A friend." His eyes glanced at the watch and he stiffened, forgetting about the lapse of time that had passed. He quickly said his goodbyes, grabbed some chocolates and placed them into a bag as he hurried out of the room.


He came to a stop in front of an abandoned building, one that seemed completely uninhabitable as he stepped over to the side. He carefully maneuvered through the broken glass window and through the many obstacles within the building. The floors creaked loudly beneath him, announcing his presence as he nearly stumbled through the final door.

He balanced himself and looked at the makeshift bed in the middle of the dark room. The person wrapped by its covers, was obviously awake, his narrowing eyes directed at him.

"You're late." The figure said sternly.

Donghae gave a weak smile. "I'm sorry. I lost track of time."

"Hardly an excuse." Eunhyuk replied, as Donghae stepped over and settled down beside him. Eunhyuk turned on his side, while Donghae noted his shirtless upper body that was covered by various bandages, the sheets only covering his bottom half.

He checked over the bandages. "You're healing fine."

"Obviously." Eunhyuk said, "What's that smell?"

Donghae blinked, wondering briefly when an 'o' shaped in his mouth. He reached for the bag of chocolates and gingerly placed them beside him. "Chocolates, have you ever had any?"

Eunhyuk cringed slightly. "They're too sweet."

"Ah, then I was right to pick the bitter ones." Donghae said proudly, Eunhyuk made no movement. "Try one."

Eunhyuk still seemed unwilling, so Donghae unwrapped one piece and hesitantly held it near his lips, Eunhyuk met his eyes briefly as he reached for the chocolate. Donghae withdrew his hand and watched as Eunhyuk chewed it.

"How is it?" He asked. Eunhyuk didn't make a comment even as he finished the piece; he asked again but received no reply.

He smiled at Eunhyuk's lack of response, through experience he knew it meant that he liked it. "Then I'll leave the bag here so that you can eat it when I leave." Donghae said happily. Eunhyuk leered at him.

"You expect an injured victim to be able to feed himself?" Eunhyuk asked. Donghae lowered his eyes, doubting that he wasn't capable.

"It won't be a problem for you," Donghae added. "You're hardly a victim."

Eunhyuk's scoffed. "You should be more willing, considering that you're the reason why I'm in this state."

Donghae turned away as the guilt crept in, the memory of that horrific night came into play. He wanted to say that he was grateful, but instead he glanced at his watch. "I should get going-"

"No, you've left early enough the previous nights."

Donghae gulped slightly as he stood up. "I'll come early tomorrow, I prom-"

"Yesterday you said the same thing." Eunhyuk reminded, Donghae swallowed his words and turned around.

He was about to walk out of the room when the door suddenly slammed shut. He wasn't surprised and turned around, looking into Eunhyuk's darkened eyes. "Eunhyuk..."

"You're not leaving." He repeated, a slight growl in his voice.

Donghae wasn't afraid however, he was used to Eunhyuk's often possessive behavior. He decided to comply this time as he returned and sat beside him.

"That wasn't so hard now was it?" His eyes lightened back to their normal color.

Donghae shook his head as he met his eyes, finding it more difficult day by day not be drawn in by them.

"It's not."


Donghae stretched his arms over his head as he sat on the couch. He tried to finish his work but couldn't concentrate, so he decided that it was time for a break. He noted the examining look Henry was giving him.

"What have you been up to lately?" Henry asked. Donghae tilted his head as Henry clarified. "You've been leaving randomly to visit this 'friend,'" Making quotation marks with his fingers. "Who you refuse to have me meet."

Donghae shifted uncomfortably. "It's... He's not social."

Henry obviously wasn't content with his excuse. Donghae continued. "He can't meet other people for the time being. If I could, I would let you two meet."

"I'm sure." Henry commented, Donghae parted his lips but was unable to say more. "I'll leave it alone for the time being... But you can at least tell me something about him right?"

Donghae shifted his eyes, debating as he wondered how to go about it. "...He's different."

Henry lowered his eyes. "Thank you for not overwhelming me with the details." Donghae gave a weak smile, finding that even after that he wasn't able to divulge the information.

He doubted he could ever tell anyone about that night, or him for that matter.

He remembered how he had walked home from his part-time job, the streets had been eerily secluded but he had thought nothing of it. He was distracted by the music blaring from his headphones when he heard a loud crash.

Instead of running away like any sensible person would have, he ran towards the direction of the sound, stopping in his tracks as he stared wide-eyed at the nearly vacant parking lot. Two figures were standing in the middle of the parking lot. Both were gasping for air when a ball of black energy was shot and struck the one on the left, who cried out in pain. It was obvious that the one on the right was gaining the upper hand.

The one who was shot at had fallen beside him. Donghae felt his heart quickened when it looked up at him with menacing red eyes.

It suddenly smiled, launching at him when it was suddenly struck again, screaming in agony as it evaporated into black dust.

Donghae didn't realize he had stopped breathing until he started gasping for air, staring at the figure who slowly walked towards him. One whose dark eyes were gradually lightening to an ordinary brown.

He stopped a few feet away and asked. "Why aren't you running away?"

Donghae couldn't. He was completely frozen from fear and was rooted to the spot . Somehow he managed to voice only one question out of all the others running through in his mind.

"Are you going to kill me?" He asked timidly.

"I'm not fond of killing humans..." The man retorted. "But if you speak of this to anyone else, I will have to."

Donghae had hoped that he could write that night off as some nightmare.

But that hadn't been the last time he would see him, somehow they had continued to meet one another time and time again. Eventually he learned his name through their many encounters. The man who went by Eunhyuk who, aside from a few chosen facts he had carefully told him, had never once disclosed what sort of creature he was.

Donghae had made his own assumptions but nothing ever too concrete. In the amount of time they had known each other, he found himself anticipating their sudden encounters, excited by the very idea.

He had regretted that thought.

He stepped inside the dark room towards the messy blankets, sitting down besides Eunhyuk who slept. It was hard to believe that someone so powerful could look human, but despite his abilities, he realized too painfully how fragile he could become.

The memories kept replaying themselves in his mind.

He recalled how he was backed up into the brick wall, cornered by an unknown creature that had snarled when a hand went through its chest. He watched as Eunhyuk battled the stubborn creature, continuously until it was finally defeated, only this time, Eunhyuk had suffered wounds of his own.

He exhaled deeply when Eunhyuk opened his eyes.

"Finally kept your promise." He said quietly.

Donghae smiled in return. "Are you feeling better?" He received no answer. He noticed how intense his stare was and it made him shift uncomfortably. "What is it?" He asked timidly.

Eunhyuk blinked. "You're feeling guilty. Why?"

"Nothing." He replied. He knew that Eunhyuk could see through his lie and decided to change the subject. "Is there anything else you need?"

"That depends. How willing are you?"

Donghae furrowed his eyebrows, unsure of his statement. "I'm... I'm willing."

He regretted his words when Eunhyuk smiled and gestured beside him.

Donghae blinked, not understanding his actions when he felt himself being pulled. At that slight tug, only did he realize what he meant.

"N-no." Donghae murmured nervously.

Eunhyuk chuckled. "It's not what you think, but knowing how far you thought is impressive." Donghae felt his cheeks reddened. "Come to bed with me."

Donghae widened his eyes, about to refuse when Eunhyuk sat up, his eyes trailing the many scars that were now visible.

It was difficult not to feel guilty. It was enough that he found himself pushing him gently back onto the bed while he lay down beside him.

Eunhyuk seemed displeased despite his actions. "I don't need pity." He stated.

"I know." Donghae murmured.

Eunhyuk then turned on his side, pulling Donghae closer towards him. Minutes after, he suddenly smirked.

"Your heart's beating fast." Donghae nuzzled against him, hoping to hide his reddened cheeks. "Are you that nervous?"

Donghae didn't respond, knowing it'd be futile to do so otherwise. Eunhyuk's hearing was capable of detecting everything from him that he tried to hide. When Eunhyuk suddenly moved on top of him, he felt his heart was ready to burst at the slighest movement from their new position.

"Relax." Eunhyuk said as he lay down, his head nestled against his shoulder as he closed his eyes.

Somehow disappointed but relieved at the same time, Donghae was able to breathe again as he gazed at his sleeping expression, daringly allowing his hands to hold him in place.

He wasn't sure when his motive had changed. He felt responsible and was willing to do anything to relieve that guilt. He remembered the early days when he had first safeguarded him in this room, exclaiming that he'd help him until he was no longer needed.

He thought he would be elated when his wounds were finally healed. Except he found himself apprehensive, afraid of the day when they would part, no longer having a reason to see him.

He wished that day didn't come.


Donghae rushed over from his job, wondering how to word his reason without angering Eunhyuk. He ran to the building and quickly walked inside, only to be stunned by the emptiness of the room.

He felt the breath hitch in his throat, unwilling to believe as he searched the room for any sign of him. Calling out his name repeatedly as he ran out of the room, yet even outside the building did he see no one around.

He cringed as he closed his eyes.

It was no longer deemed a nightmare in his mind, but a longing. A dream he hoped would occur again.


"Are you alright?"

Donghae woke up from his trance, glancing at Henry who gave him a worried look. "I'm sorry, I was just..."

"Spacing out, you've been doing that a lot the past few months." Henry commented. "I wouldn't usually worry, but every once in a while I feel I should try and act on it."

Donghae gave a brief smile. "I'm fine."

He wished he could be more contented, but he hadn't felt completely at peace in months since Eunhyuk had disappeared. He couldn't exactly search for him as there was no way to contact him. It was painful to realize how out of reach he was.

He followed Henry to a shop, unaware of his surroundings when Henry suddenly threw a bag to his stomach. Donghae winced from the impact and glared at Henry's smile. "There, eat those and be happy."

Donghae raised an eyebrow and glanced at the bag in his hands, filled with wrapped bitter chocolates.

An essence of happiness. He gave a weak but grateful smile, hoping that somehow this remedy would heal him from that loss.


He walked through the streets aimlessly and eventually strayed away from the concrete sidewalk.

He stopped at a meadow, settling down on a comfortable-looking spot, as he stared intently at the bag. Wanting more than anything to even catch a glimpse of him.

He reached for one, unwrapping it slowly as he gave it a final look before popping it in his mouth. He cringed from its bitter taste but decided to eat another piece, not wanting to be rude for Henry's unusually kind actions.

He was about to eat the another one when midway to his lips it suddenly disappeared. Donghae furrowed his eyebrows and searched the ground around him for the missing chocolate. He turned to his left, his expression completely puzzled. And when he turned to his right, he frozed. He watched as Eunhyuk ate the piece, sitting beside him as if he always had.

Eunhyuk didn't say a word as their eyes met, as if waiting for something.

Donghae gave a slanted look.

Eunhyuk then gestured to the bag in his hands. "You don't expect me to feed myself do you?"

Donghae blinked at his statement, unable to suppress the smile that formed on his lips. He reached and unwrapped a chocolate, hesitantly placing it near his lips when Eunhyuk ate it.

"Do you like it?" Donghae asked, Eunhyuk gave no response. Just as he had expected.

His smile then faltered. Eunhyuk noted this but said nothing, waiting until Donghae finally asked the question that plagued his mind for months.

"Why did you leave?"

Eunhyuk tilted his head slightly as he turned away. "I healed, there was no reason to be there anymore."

Donghae felt hurt by his rather blunt statement.

"However," Eunhyuk added. "Though I healed physically... I still felt pain, as if I was still wounded." He suddenly smiled earnestly. "But right now, I don't feel any pain at all."

Donghae widened his eyes slightly.

"I wonder why that is." Eunhyuk finished.

He didn't need to be forced or compelled by guilt.

Instead encouraged by his own emotions, Donghae suddenly kissed him fully on the lips. Eunhyuk was pushed against the ground as Donghae ravaged his lips, not wanting to hold back anything. Deciding that it was best to act on his emotions rather than failing miserably at hiding them.

He pulled away and noted Eunhyuk's smirk.

"Are you trying to gain my forgiveness?"

Donghae smiled. "You've already forgiven me."

"Don't act so confident." Eunhyuk reminded. Donghae closed his eyes and kissed him again. When he had opened them later, he realized that they weren't in the field anymore, but his bedroom.

Eunhyuk forced him beneath him, the bag of chocolates torn from the impact as it laid unbalanced at the edge of the bed.

He felt at peace as Eunhyuk nestled his head against his, his grip considerably much stronger than his but he was careful. He tugged at his jacket, admittedly afraid of him disappearing as easily as he did months earlier.

Eunhyuk seemed to be aware of his insecurity. "I'm not going anywhere." He assured, his lips grazing his forehead.

Moments later he laughed. "Your heart reactions hasn't changed."

"I can't help it." Donghae said shyly.

"So says the one who initiated the kiss." Donghae watched as Eunhyuk lifted himself up. He towered over him with his arms on either side, as if trapping him from a potential escape.

He wouldn't dare to.

"You belong to me." Eunhyuk stated, his eyes darkening slightly. "In exchange I'll protect you. I'll do anything for you but you must only look at me."

It could have easily been declared as an order from the way his voice was composed. But somehow it felt like it was an ultimatum.

He hoped Eunhyuk was able to understand his reply just as he always had.

Donghae gave a small smile in response. Eunhyuk blinked at his reaction and gave his own smile while his eyes gradually lightened. He pressed his lips against his, and despite his strength, Donghae had managed to push him back onto the bed, beneath him.

He ignored the now broken bag of chocolates that fell off the bed and onto the floor, relieved to exclaim that he had found his own happiness. At that thought he smiled as he enjoyed the sweetness of his lips.

rssj1314 's EunHae

- ILC05 [ Hensung]  ☆ ILC07 [ HanChul] --

A/N: We're...way behind the deadline this was due, but Lien was sick and I had some things to take care of ><. Spring coming to a closer and back to college classes.... I'm feeling the excitement already >>...

pairing: eunhae/haehyuk, challenge♣initial line, | length: one-shots, c: donghae, type: fanfiction, c: eunhyuk, type: yaoi

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